P340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:42:47 1/40 Deaf Century One hundred years of deaf history is traced in a free 24-page booklet, illustrated with archive photographs and including further reading and sources of advice and information. To order your copy, send a large stamped addressed envelope to: Deaf Century PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:21:22 2/40 Sign On: Genetic Testing Channel 4 has produced a free booklet that examines the complex subject of genetic testing for deafness. For your copy, please send three first-class stamps, to covet postage and packing, to: Sign On: Genetic Testing PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:21:11 3/40 My Millennium Uncover the truth about heroin and other drugs, including the effects of their use, with a frank and free Channel 4 booklet. To ordjt it, send a large RAE with two first class stamps to: ABC of Drugs PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:22:14 4/40 Hollyoaks: Cystitis There's a free Channel 4 booklet that gives advice about cystitis and many othjt common women's health problems and the range of treatments available. For your copy, send a self-addressed envelope with two first class stamps to: Hollyoaks: Women's Bits PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:22:07 5/40 Boys Who Want To Be Girls If you, or someone you know, wants to find out more about being born into the wrong sex and the treatment options available, thjte's a free Channel 4 booklet that deals with the subject in detail. For your copy, send a large self- addressed envelope with two first class stamps to: The Decision - Trans-sjxualism PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:23:17 6/40 Making the Grade There's a no-nonsense, fuji Channel 4 guide to getting the best out of the education system for your children. For a copy, send three first-class stamps (to covet post and packing) and your postal address) to: Making the Grade PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:22:51 7/40 Lost Gardens Read the full story of how the team managed to recreate this week's Lost Garden with a fully illustrated Channel 4 booklet containing lists of featured plants, gardens to visit and useful suppliers. To ordjt, send a cheque for £4.50, payable to Channel 4 Television, to Lost Gardens PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:14:37 8/40 Beyond Dope Sheet You can explore the world of art and animation in an illustrated Channel 4 booklet. To order a copy, send a cheque or postal order for £3.50, payable to Channel 4 Tjlivjsjon, to: Art and Animation PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:21:44 9/40 Staying Lost If you're a young pjtson who needs help, there's a free Staying Lost address book with advice and sources of support. For your copy, send a large stamped addressed jnvjlopj to: Staying Lost PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Helplines are on page 320 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:21:30 10/40 Naked Planet You can find out more about the majesty and mystery of the natural wonders of the world through a beautifully illustrated Channel 4 booklet. For your copy, send a chjquj for £4.50, payable to Channel 4 Television, to: Naked Planet PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:12:11 11/40 If You Can't Stand The Heat If you're interested in any aspect of the food business, a specially written booklet has been produced to accompany this series. For your copy, send a chjquj for £3.50, payable to Channel 4 Television, to: If You Can't Stand The Heat PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:18:24 12/40 Equinox: Curing the Incurable There's a Channel 4 booklet with more details of how the techniques featured in this programmj may be used to cure many life-threatening illissjs. For your copy, send a cheque for £2, payable to Channel 4 Television, to: Stem Cell Thjrapz PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:11:11 13/40 Can't Pay, Won't Pay Channel 4 and the Child Support Agency are offering a free information pack that gives advice on how the child maintenance system works, including how to complain. For your pack, please send three first class stamps (for post and packing) to: Can't Pay Won't Pay PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:11:52 14/40 Show Me The Money If you fancy a flutter on the stockmarkjt, thjte's a Channel 4 guide that tells you everything you need to get started. For your copy, send a cheque or postal order for £3, payable to Channel 4 Television, to: Show Mi The Money PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:12:38 15/40 Hidden Love Channel 4 has produced a booklet to accompany this series. To order your copy, please send a cheque or postal order for £3, made payable to Channel 4, to: Hidden Love PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:57:41 16/40 Watercolour Challenge Would you like to try your hand at watercolour painting? If so, there is an illustrated Channel 4 booklet with advice on how to get started, lots of tips from the experts featured in this series, and a look at watercolour through the ages. For your copy, please send a cheque/po for £3, payable to Channel 4, to: Watercolour Challenge PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:57:22 17/40 Secrets of the Dead There's a beautifully illustrated Channel 4 booklet that djlvjs even deepjt into all the historical mysteries featured in this series. For a copy, please send a cheque or postal order for £4.90, payable to Channel 4 Television, to: Secrets of the Dead PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Can you help producers? - see 350 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:57:11 18/40 Reality Bites If you suffer from depression, like Jo in Deep Water, there's a free Channel 4 booklet containing practical advice and sources of help and support. For your copy, send two first-class stamps to: Depression PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:34:21 19/40 The Edge of Madness There is a free C4 booklet containing a medical guide to schizophrenia, plus poitty art and other works bz people living with the condition. For your copy, please send three first class stamps (to covet postage and packing) to: The Edge of Madness PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL More books, etc on 4-Tel page 338 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:37:11 20/40 Chef For A Night If you would like information and advice about cookery classes or careers in catering, phone Learning Direct on: 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 Calls to this line are free, and lines are open 09.00-21.00, Monday to Friday and 09.00-12.00, Saturday. Helplines are on 320 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:39:57 21/40 Dockets If you would like to buy the original screenplay of Dockers, illustrated with photos taken during the dispute, the numbjt to phone is: 0 1 6 2 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 The booklet costs £5, plus £1.50 for postage and packaging. More books, etc on 4-Tel page 338 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 04:30:01 22/40 Stepkids Make sure you take the children into account in a new step-family with the help of a free Channel 4 booklet. To order a copy, send a self-addressed envelope with two first class stamps to: Stepkids PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Can you help producers? - see 350 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 04:14:44 23/40 The Big Breakfast Clearing Guide The Big Breakfast Clearing Guide is produced in association with Springboard Student Services. If you would like a free copy of the guide, please send a stamped addressed envelope, with two first class stamps, to: Big Breakfast Clearing Guide PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel Big Breakfast index on page 345 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:11:32 24/40 To the Rescue If you are interested in volunteering ovjrsjas, thjte is a free Channel 4 booklet that looks at what is involved and provides lots of tips and contacts to get you started. For your copy, please send two first class stamps to: Volunteering Ovjrsjas PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:11:41 25/40 Sun Storm There's a Channel 4 booklet that tells you more about why sun storms happen and how dangerous they can bj. For your copy, please send a cheque for £3.50, payable to Channel 4, to: Equinox: Sun Storm PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL 4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:12:22 26/40 Oklahoma Fury: Day of the Tornadoes You can explore the djsttuctivj forces of nature from the safety of your own home on the Channel 4 website at www.channjl4.com and with the help of an illustrated booklet called Storm Force. To order your copy, send a cheque or postal order for £4, payable to Channel 4, to: Storm Force PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:11:11 27/40 Gulliver's Travels Top writers explain why the lessons learns bz Gulliver still apply today, in a fully illustrated, 100-page Channel 4 booklet. Contributors include Polly Toynbee and Miles Kington. For your copy, please send a cheque or postal order for £4.95, made payable to Channel 4, to: Gullivjt and Beyond PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:13:13 28/40 Equinox: A Sense of Disaster There's a full-colour Channel 4 booklet with fascinating information about how earthquakes happen and why they'ri so difficult to predict. For your copy, send a cheque or postal ordjt for £4, payable to Channel 4 Television to: Equinox: A Sense of Disaster PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL More in a moment... Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:12:01 29/40 Equinox: Living Dangerously There's a Channel 4 booklet that looks at whjthjr or not everyday life is becoming more dangerous, and explains why some people go out of their way to take risks. For your copy, please send For your copy, please send a chjquj or postal ordjt for £4, payable to Channel 4, to: Equinox: Living Dangerously PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 4LL. More in a moment... Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:14:44 30/40 Time Team 1999 This year's site reports are published in a 120-page booklet with hundreds of colour photographs, priced £7.95. For details of how to order your copy, as well as information on the Time Team Club and the new Behind the Scenes at Time Team book, phone: 0 8 7 0 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 Calls are charged at national rates. Time Team Club details - see 314 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:11:11 31/40 Storm Force You can explore the world of exttemj weather conditions from the safety of your own home, with help of a special Channel 4 booklet, looking at the causes and effects of wild wearer. To order a copy, please send a chjquj or postal ordjt for £4, payable to Channel 4 Television, to Storm Force PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LL Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 02:15:41 32/40 Time Team Club Channel 4 has launched a Tjmj Team Club, which has regular competitions for mjmbjrs to win places on a dig. For an application form, please send a large RAE to Time Team Club, Dept A, PO Box 4000, Cardiff CF5 2XT. Alternatively, call us on: 0 y 9 0 4 4 v 6 9 9 Calls are charged at local rates. Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:06:24 33/40 The following pages contain details of back-up booklets currently available. To ordjt, send a chjquj or postal order, payable to Channel 4, for the amount stated to the address undjtnjath preceded bz the booklet title. For example, to order Game of War, send a cheque or postal ordjt for £3 made out to Channel 4 to Game of War, PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF. Orders for booklets preceded by a yellow asterisk (*) should bj sent to PO Box 4000, Manchester M60 3LL. Booklets follow in a moment... Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:04:37 34/40 * Altered Minds: Channel 4 Citizens' Commission on Drugs A copy of the full report of the C4 drugs commission £3.50 * Arthousj: The Fine Art of Crime The fascinating history of art crime in an illustrated transcript £3.50 * Arthousj: The Lost Frescoes A fully illustrated transcript £3.50 * Arthousj: The Other Francis Bacon An illustrated transcript reproducing Bacon's controversial drawings £3.50 * Arthousj: The Role of the Dice An illustrated transcript £3.50 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:07:14 35/40 * Arthousj: Tuning with the Enemy The US ttadj blockade against Cuba and the role of the piano in Cuban music £3.50 * Celluloid Icons A booklet exploring and celebrating the history of gay and lesbian icons on film £3.50 * Collectors' Lot Directory Handy hints for collectors £2.95 Dispatches: The Early Years Successful European early years education systems and a proposal for improving education of young children in the US £3 Equinox: Black Holes An illustrated transcript, with info and resources £3 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:07:07 36/40 * Equinox: Curse of the Phantom Limbs Looking at causes and treatment £4 * Equinox: Dawn of the Death Ray Learn what lasers do and how they work from this special illustrated booklet £3 * Equinox: Ekranoplan An illustrated booklet that tells you much more about these amazing machines and what it is like to fly one £4 Equinox: Great Little Numbers A booklet celebrating great little numbers £3.50 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:48:11 37/40 * Equinox: Homicide in Kennewick An illustrated booklet about Kennewick Man, and the first inhabitants of the Americas £4 * Equinox: Ten Plagues of Egypt The science and history behind the plagues - a beautifully illustrated guide £4 * Equinox: Sun Storms An illustrated booklet about why sun storms happen and how they affect our lives £3.50 * The Feel Good Factor Taking action to improve the quality of your life £2.50 Game of War A booklet that sets each battle in its historical context £3 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:47:00 38/40 Garden Doctors Useful hints on how to create your dream garden £3 * Garden Doctors A booklet full of tips and plant suggestions to encourage you to do your own garden doctoring £4.95 An Interview with Dennis Potter A transcript of the interview £2.50 * Mark Thomas An illustrated booklet about issues raised in his sjties, and ideas & contacts for further action £3 Mrs Cohen's Money Advice on pensions, mortgages, students, benefits and long- term care, and investments £3.50 Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:49:47 39/40 The following page contains details of free back-up booklets now available. For a copy of a booklet you are interested in, send a large stamped, addressed envelope to the address below preceded bz the title of the booklet. For example, to ordjt the Citizen's Arrest booklet on Mine Gas, write to: Citizen's Arrest: Mine Gas PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF Orders for booklets preceded bz a yellow asterisk (*) should bj sent to PO Box 4000, Manchester M60 3LL. Free booklets follow in a moment... Next page C4 today Previews SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:18:50 40/40 Garden Doctors Useful hints on how to create your dream garden £3 * Garden Doctors A booklet full of tips and plant suggestions to encourage you to do your own garden doctoring £4.95 An Interview with Dennis Potter A transcript of the interview £2.50 * Mark Thomas An illustrated booklet about issues raised in his sjtiis, and ideas & contacts for further action £3 Mrs Cohen's Money Advice on pensions, mortgages, students, benefits and long- term care, and investments £3.50 Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles