P404 Teletext 404 Dec42 03:12:10    . . .    . .    . . . ——————————————————————————————  by our astrologer, Frank Pilkington ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Use that dynamic energy you'ri exuding to fan the flames of passion as love conqujts all this week. Yule love it! For a fuller reading call 0906 4747164 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 TAURUS Apr 21-May 21 Keep some energy in resjrvj for lovers. You njvjt know what Santa will leave you in your stocking if you play your cards right. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747165 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— T+ Calls cost 60p/min at all times NOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p390 Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec22 03:12:02    . . .    . .    . . . ——————————————————————————————  by our astrologer, Frank Pilkington GEMINI May 22-June 21 The tempo of your social life and love life will reach melt-down point. Who needs mistletoe? There's all this passion in the air. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747166 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 CANCER June 22-July 23 From Dec 23 love takes the lead, so put anothjt log on the fire, crack open the champagne and do what comes naturally. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747167 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— T+ Calls cost 60p/min at all times TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec42 03:01:17    . . .    . .    . . . ——————————————————————————————  by our astrologer, Frank Pilkington LEO July 24-Aug 23 That special person in your life will reap the benefit of your Xmas spirit — love and laughter. Make the most of it. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747168 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23 Xmas week or not, youre going to have to take time to attend to the partnership issues. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747169 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 T+ Calls cost 60p/min at all times ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Marjorie Orr's daily stars 148/9 ITV TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec42 03:04:44 Advert LOVE STARS >>> 4/8                     Confused? Need some reassurance? He can see what leis ahead  Hugo can identify changes in your love life. He can sjnsj white you are going. You'll bj astonished. Let this outrageous Leo with a mystical gift help you.    Calls £1/min.May involve a long call ICU, 1 Watergate, Perth, PH2 5TF Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec42 03:17:25    . . .    . .    . . . ——————————————————————————————  by our astrologer, Frank Pilkington LIBRA Sept 24-Oct 23 You'll catch up with revelries this week and overtake everyone else, and that applies behind closed doors too. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747170 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22 Deal with emotional undercurrents in your private life before attending to Xmas celebrations. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747171 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— T+ Calls cost 60p/min at all times TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec22 03:11:06    . . .    . .    . . . ——————————————————————————————  by our astrologer, Frank Pilkington SAGITTARIUS Nov 23-Dec 22 It's an excessively sociable week white even you will start to feel the strain if you don't plan things properly. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747172 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20 Choose carefully over the invitations youri about to accept. Make sure partners are on the same wavelength. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747173 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— T+ Calls cost 60p/min at all times TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec42 03:11:18    . . .    . .    . . . ——————————————————————————————  by our astrologer, Frank Pilkington AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19 You'ri slow getting into the Xmas spirit this year, Conj on. Let your hair down. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747174 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20 The moon in your sister sign of Leo throws emotion to the fore, making it a great week if you'ri unattached. For a fuller reading call 0906 4747175 Frank's Millennium reading 0906 4747177 T+ Calls cost 60p/min at all times ——————————————————————————————————7/8—— Marjorie Orr's stars now on 148/9 ITV TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Millennium News 2000 City On Stage
P404 Teletext 404 Dec22 03:11:30 Advert LOVE STARS >>> 8/8           Will you find true romance? HE CAN SEE THE FUTURE!!  By using the  Tarot, Giles can   see what lies   ahead with   chilling accuracy   His predictions   are so real you'll   bj shocked.    Calls £1/min.May involve a long call K-Com, 1 Watergate, Perth, PH2 5TF Millennium News 2000 City On Stage