P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:01:15 ] High Street Easy Access ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Interest £1 1.75% 1.40% 1.05% Annual HSBC: Instant Access (0800 180180) £500 2.75% 2^20% 1.65% Annual HSBCz Instant Access (0800 180180) £10,000 3.55% 2^84% 2.13% Annual Lloyds TUB:Instant Gold (0845 300 0102) £25,000 3.90% 3.12* 2.34* Annual Lloyds TUB:Instant Gold (0845 300 0102) £50,000 4^40% 3.52* 2.64% Annual Lloyds TUB:Instant Gold (0845 300 0102) ——————————————————————————————————1/17— Source: Chase de Veri Investments MILLENNIUM MESSAGES ON TELETEXT SEE ITV p530 Borrowing Holiday £ PremiumBonds CityP546 Teletext 546 Dec42 02:45:10 ] Easy Access Annual Income ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Tzpj £2,000 6.25% 5.00% 3.75% Tel Abbey National:Direct Svr(0800 174 635) £1 6.26% 5.01% 3.76% Post/Tel Legal&Genital:Tracker Acc(0500 111 200) £1 6.30% 5.04% 3.78% Internet Egg: Internet Only A/C (www.egg.com) £1 6.50% 5.20% 3.90% Post/Tel N'thrn Rock:Base Rate Tor(0845 6006767) £5,000 v.55% 5.24% 3.93% Tel Bristol & West:Call One (0808 181 1111) ——————————————————————————————————2/17— Source: Chase dj Veri Investments WALL STREET NEWS!!! See p210P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:03:13 ] Easy Access Monthly Income ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Tzpj £5,000 5.96% 4.77% 3.58% Post/Tel Legal&Genital:Tracker Acc(0500 111 200) £2,000 v.04* 4^y3% 3.62* Tel Abbey National:Direct Svr (0800 174635) £1 6.13% 4.90% 3.68% Internet Egg: Internet Only A/C (www.egg.com) £1 6.20% 4.96% 3.72% Post/Tel N'thrn Rock:Base Rate Tor(0845 6006767) £10,000 6.39% 5.11% 3.83% Tel Bristol & West:Call One (0808 181 1111) ——————————————————————————————————3/17— Source: Chase de Veri Investments BUYING A CAR FROM ABROAD MADE EASY SEE p2p6 Borrowing Holiday £ PremiumBonds CityP546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:57:11 20-60 Day Notice Accounts ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Tzpj £100 u.35% 4.28* 3.21% Branch 30-Day Yorkshire (0845 1 200 100) £10,000 5.60 % 4.48% 3.36% Post 30-Day Leeds & Holbjck (0500 225 777) £10,000 u.y6% 4.77% 3.58* Tel 50-Day Standard Life (08457 555 657) £100 5.85% 4.68* 3.51% Post/Tel 60-Day Scottish Widows (0845 845 0829) £5,000 6.20% 4.96% 3.72% Post/Tel 60-Day Chjlsja:Double Gte (0800 132351) ——————————————————————————————————4/17— Source: Chase de Vere Investments WHAT'S ON AT YOUR LOCAL CINEMA? p460P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:14:22 ] 75-180 Day Notice Accounts ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Tzpj £2,500 u.75% 4.60% 3.45% Tel 75-Day Alliance & Ljics (0845 9645660) £25,000 6.60% 5.28* 3.96% Tel 75-Day Alliance & Ljics (0845 9645660) £100 u.75% 4.60% 3.45% Post 120-Day Sunbank Liquidity(01438 744508) £5,000 5.85% 4.68% 3.51% Post 120-Day Sunbank Liquidity(01438 744508) £25,000 5.95% 4.76% 3.57% Post 120-Day Sunbank Liquidity(01438 744508) ——————————————————————————————————5/17— Source: Chase dj Vere Investments CAN'T FORMAT YOUR HARD DRIVE? TELETEXT COMPUTER LINE CAN HELP p215 Borrowing Holiday £ PremiumBonds CityP546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:11:14 Tjtm Accounts Fixed Rates ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Term £1,000 v.50% 5.20% 3.90% 1 YEAR Berm Mid's:Quantum Fxd 1 (01902 302832) £1,000 6.50% 5.20% 3.90% 1/2/2001 Northern Rock:Fxd Bd 12 (0845 600 6767) £500 7.00% 5.60% 4^20% 2 YEAR Woolwich:2yr Fxd Rate Bd (0800 222 200) £1,000 7.05% 5.64% 4.23% 3 YEARS Sunbank:3yr Greed Cjtt. (01438 744507) £1,000 7.15% 5.72% 4.29% 1/2/2003 Northern Rock:Exd Bd 14 (0845 600 6767) ——————————————————————————————————6/17— Source: Chase dj Vere Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 02:11:10 Interest Paying Cheque Accounts ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% £1 3.50% 2^80% 2.10% Clydesdale: Gold Account (0800 445465) £1,000 4.35% 3.48% 2.61% Sunbank: H.I.C^ (01438 744 508) £5,000 u.00% 4^00% 3.00% Leeds & Holbjck: Albion (0800 0728738) £25,000 5.05% 4.04* 3.03% Leeds & Holbeck: Albion (0800 0728738) £50,000 u.15% 4.12* 3.09% Leeds & Holbjck: Albion (0800 0728738) ——————————————————————————————————7/17— Source: Chase de Veri Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 02:11:04 Advert SAVINGS >>> 8/17 TRY "PERSONAL FINANCE MAGAZINE" Normal retail price is £2.60 Get the latest information on IRAs,Unit Trusts,Credit Cards, Pensions,Life Assurance and much,much more..... Write to: Personal Finance, Freepost, London EC2B 2BH Quoting reference Personal Finance Personal Finance is published monthly bz CharterHousj Communications Group and is available through all good newsagents. Borrowing Holiday £ PremiumBonds CityP546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:14:12 ] Guaranteed Income Bonds ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Term 23% 40% Tzpj £20,000 1 Year 5.25% 4.36% Fixed GE Financial Assurance (0181 380 3388) £25,000 3 Year 5.60% 4.65% Fixed AIG Life (0700 244 5433) £25,000 5 Year 5.15% 4.27% Fixed Countrywide Assured (0800 838 020) ——————————————————————————————————9/17— Source: Chase dj Vere Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec22 03:11:22 ] Cash Unit ] Trusts ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Gross 20% 40% Notice £1,000 5.05% 4.04% 3.03% Instant Perpetual (01491 417 000) £500 4.98% 3.98* 2.98* Instant Scottish Equitable (0800 454 422) £500 5.02% 4.02% 3.01% Instant CGU Trust Managers: (0845 607 2439) ——————————————————————————————————10/17 Source: Chase dj Vere Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 02:13:11 Cash Mini Ira Under £3,000 ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Rate Withdrawals £1 6.75% - Smile (from Co-op Bk) (www.smile.co.uk) £1 6.75% Fxd 6-30 April each yr Leeds & Holbjck BS (0500 225 777) £1 6.55% - Coventry BS (0845 7665 522) £1 6.50% - Nationwide BS (0500 302 010) £1 6.50% - Britannia BS (0800 132 304) ——————————————————————————————————11/17 Source: Chase dj Vere Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:13:10 ] Cash Mini Ira £3,000 lump sum ——————————————— ——————————————————— Minimum Rate Withdrawals £3,000 6.60% - Alliance & Ljics (0845 964 5660) £3,000 6.60% - Saga (over 50's only* (0800 056 5095) £3,000 6.50% 90 days notice or loss Sunbank (0191 244 2244) £3,000 6.45% — Sttoud & Swindon (0345 045 012) £3,000 6.40% - Abbey National (0800 174 635) ——————————————————————————————————12/17 Source: Chase dj Veri Investments TELETEXT NATIONAL AND REGIONAL NEWS PAGES ALL AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE Borrowing Holiday £ PremiumBonds CityP546 Teletext 546 Dec42 02:17:11 National Savings Annual Interest ——————————————— ——————————————————— Account/ Gross 20% 40% Min deposit rate Tax Tax Investment Account - 30 days notice £1 3.80% 3.04* 2.28* £500 3.95% 3.16% 2.37% £2,500 4^05% 3.24% 2.43% £5,000 4^15% 3.32% 2.4:% £10,000 4.35% 3.48% 2^61% £25,000 4^60% 3.68* 2.76% £u0,000 5.10% 4^08* 3.06% Ordinary Account £10 1^25% 1.00% 0.75% £500 1.35% 1.08% 0.81% ——————————————————————————————————13/17 Source: Chase dj Vere Investments TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 FULL GUIDEP546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:17:10 National Savings ——————————————— ——————————————————— Account/ Gross 20% 40% Min deposit rate Tax Tax Pensioners Bond - 60 days notice (3) £500 2yr term 5.75% 4.60% 3.45% (13) £500 5yr term 5.85% 4.68% 3.51% Cash IRA Account £10 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% TESSA-Only IRA £10 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% Child (Q) - 1 nth notice, 5-year term £25 u.50% - - ——————————————————————————————————14/17 Source: Chase dj Veri Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 02:17:22 National Savings ——————————————— ——————————————————— Account/ Gross 20% 40% Min deposit rate Tax Tax Fixed certs - 8 days notice £100 2yr term (1) 4.2% 4.2* 4.2% Fixed certs - 8 days notice £100 5yr term (53) 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% Index linked certs - 8 days notice £100 2yr term (1) 2.5% + UPI Index linked certs - 8 days notice £100 5yr term (16) 1.8% + UPI Headline inflation rate 1.1% ——————————————————————————————————15/17 Source: Chase dj Vere Investments INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:01:17 ] National Savings ——————————————— ——————————————————— Account/ Gross 20% 40% Min deposit rate Tax Tax Capital (T* - 8 days notice £100 5 yr term 6.00% 4.80% 3.60% Income - 3 months notice £500 u.05% 4^04% 3.03% £25,000 u.30% 4^24* 3.18% First Option Bond - 1-year term Withdrawn from sale 21 October 1999 General Extension Rate - 2.58* (applies to fixed interest certificates only* ——————————————————————————————————16/17 Source: Chase dj Vere Investments O LATEST SHAKE PRICES p510P546 Teletext 546 Dec42 03:01:20 National Savings ] Fixed Rate Bonds ——————————————— ——————————————————— Account/ Gross 20% 40% Min deposit rate Tax Tax 6 month term (issue 1) £500 5.45% 4.36% 3.27% £20,000 5.65% 4.52% 3.39 1 year term (issue 1) £500 5.65% 4.52% 3.39% £20,000 u.9% 4.72% 3.54 18 month term (issue 1) £500 5.8% 4.64% 3.48% £20,000 6.05% 4^84% 3.63 3 year term (issue 1) £500 6% 4^8% 3.6% £20,000 6.25% 5% 3.75% ——————————————————————————————————17/17 Source: Chase de Veri Investments CHECK YOUR POPULAR SHAKES p519