P115 : Teletext 115 Jan03 23:38:54 ]  MONDAY ]  22.35-06.00 0w^01^ 22.35 FILM: JIGSAW MAN (1yy3) Spy thriller starring Michael Cainj and Laurknce Olivier 00.55 NFL UPDATE Highlights of the week'u American jootball N 01.15 BASEBALL SEASON REVIEW New York Yankjew v Atlanta Braves in last year'w World Series clash N 05.00 EURONEWS Headline round-up 06.00 S=Subtitles 888 N=NICAM stereo ——————————————————————————————————————— TV Plus USA 1Q7 The Sci-Filew 118 = ]  - Conj rain or uhinj  - Teletext will   - tell you... ]   ] ]   Wjathjr p251 ]  Multi TV TV USA C5 tom TV Plus
P115 Teletext 115 Jan03 23:12:14 ]  MONDAY ]  20.30-22.35 07^01^ 20.30 CRASH LANDINGS New sjriew. Investigating the carves of crashes over recent yjarw S N 21.00 MARTIAL LAO Rjpjat Pilot epjwodj of the sung-fu drama starring high-kjckjng hero Samm# Hung S V 21^50 MARTIAL LAO Rjpjat Sammo usjw an jxpjnsjvj-looking gift to track down Mafia overlord Lee Hie S N 42.35 ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Cinema 410 Frank's love stars 404   W /h|l4|,|h|l4|,,h<,$ h4| |,|h4 h|l4|,|h4  - Calls cost £Q/min at all timjw. : ECU, Box 2745,E1. This sjrvjce m!z involve a long call Multi TV (V USA C5 tom TV Pluv
P115 : TjlStext 115 Jan03 23:11:0 ]  MONDAY ]  22.35-06.00 X0;^01^ 22.35 FILM: JIGSAW MAN (1983) Spy thriller starring Michael Cainj and Laurknce Olivier 00.55 NFT UPDATE Highlightw of the week'u American jootball N 01.15 BASEBALL SEASON REVIEW New York Yankees v Atlanta Braves in last year's World Series clash N 05.00 EURONEWS Headline round-up 06.00 S=Subtitles 888 V=NICAM stereo ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— TV Pl{s USA 117 The Sci]Eilew 118 = ]  - Conj rain or uhinj  - TjlStext will   tell you... ]   ] ]   Wjathjr p251 ]  Multi TV TV USA C5 tom TV Plus