P119 Teletext Q1: Jan03 23:35:27 ]  888  MONDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 06.05 Tjlitub"jew BBCQ That's Entertainment BBC2 06.30 Tweenjes BBC1 06.50 The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends BBC1 07.00 WjdjWorld CH5 08^05 Please DonWt Eat the D!i{jet BBC2 08.35 Lzddje BBC1 0y.50 Sa"riga, the Tjeoagj Witch ITV 0y.55 The Bold and the Beautiful CH5 @10.05 Blue Peter Flies the World BBCQ The Passion BBC2 Mal{eu CH4 * In-ujsjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————1/16— (V Now&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 FOR SKI CHALET OFFERS S E ITV p517 Now & Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 11: Jan03 23:   888  MONDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 10.20 Suset Beach CHu 11.00 Thjodork Rex BBC1 Dawson's Creek: Behind the Sceojw CH4 Q1^55 The Simpsons BBC2 12.00 5 News at Noon CH5 12^15 The Big Knights BBC2 12.55 Top of the Pops Special BBC1 @Q2.30 E!mil{ Aeeairw CHg 12^45 Great Estates CH4 12.55 Meww BBC1 *@In-ujwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————u?1v— De!fvjiw 46/ Dew"bility Update 468 FOR SKI CHALET OFFERS SEE ITV p517 Now * Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 : Teletext Q1: Jan03 23z*4:00 ]  888  M/NDAZ ——————————————————————————————————————— Q3.00 Behind the Camera: David Watkjn BBC2 ITV Neww ITV Q3.10 Wipjout BBC1 Q3.15 Out of Africa BBC2 This iw Cjlinj Dion ITV Q3.40 Passport to the Sun BBC1 14.10 Fly Away Home BBC1 14.15 Lawrkce of Arabia ITV 15.20 Uptown Saturd!y Night CH5 Q5.50 Chosen People BBC2 15.55 The Wonderful Wrld of Puppjtw BBC1 * In-vjwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————3/16— (V Now&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 N STAGE - FULL THEATRE GUIDE p430 Now * Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 : Teletext 11: Jan03 23:28:25  888 ]  M/NDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 16.00 Fifteen-to-One CH4 16.30 Countdowo CH) 16.55 Pet Rjwc{j CH4 Q7.10 Neww EBC1 Q7.25 Regional News; Weather BBC1 Freeds CH4 Q7.30 Big Break Snooker Scrapbook BBCQ The Hallwlwjah Trail BBC2 One to Wen CH5 1 .00 A Que tion of Pop BBCQ Hollyoaks CH4 5 News CH5 18.10 Central News ITV 18.15 ITV Evjnjng News ITV * In-vjwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————4?16— Deafvjew 467 Diwability Update 468 DEAFVIEW - NEWS AND V+EWS p467 Now * Next TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 11: Jan03 23:28:04  888  MONDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 18.30 The World's Strongest Man BBCQ ITV Chjo oo the Year 2000 JTV Family Affairs CH5 @Qy.30 Anjoal Sanctubr{ BBCQ Coronation Street ITV The Oldjwt Tree on Earth: The Curwj of Methuselah CH4 Weld Awsjgnmjnt CHg 1y.50 VintnjrsW Talew BBC2 20.00 East ndjr BBCQ Morecambj and Wiwj BBCR R÷ad Raojw CHg 20.30 Mrs Brown BBC1 * In-vjsjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————5/16— TV Now&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 DEAFV+EW - NEWS AND V+EWS p467 Now & Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext Q1: Jan03 23:3y:11 ]  888 ]  MONDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— Food and Drink BBC2 Vew YouWvj Been Framed! ITV Longitude CH4 Crash Landigs CH5 21.00 The Dome: Trouble at the Big T÷q BBCR Forgive and Forget ITV Martial Law CH5 21.50 Home Stories BBC2 Martial Law CH5 R2.10 NUws BBCQ Waiting to Exhale BBC2 22.30 Match of the Day BBC1 * In-ujwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————6/16— De!fvjew 467 Diwa"ility Update 468 : ON STAGE - FULT THEATRE GUIDE p430 Vow * Next TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Tjlktext 119 Jan03 23:0y:33  888  MONDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 22.55 ITV Nightly News ITV 23.10 Central News ITV R3.20 Cocktail ITV 23.55 To Bj or Not To Be BBC1 00.10 Behind the Camera: Bill Wjl÷jams BBC2 00.20 /ooj in L÷wj BBC* 01^15 Forttewu ITV 0s^00 G{÷nj ITV * In-vjwjon uubtijles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————/1v— (V Now&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 DEAFVIJW - NEWS AND VKEWS p467 Now & Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 11: Jan03 23:0y:02  888 ]  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 06.00 BBC Breakfast News BBCQ 5 News and Sport CH5 07.00 Wide World CH5 08^15 Bl{j Peter Flies the World BBC2 09.00 Uilro{ BBC1 0y.05 Siwter Siwter CH4 0y.55 Triwha ITV 0y#35 Sam and Max CH4 09.55 The Bold and the Beautiful CH5 10.00 Maternity Hospital BBC1 Tjlitubbiew BBC2 10^05 Malieu CH4 @10^20 Su÷wet Beach CHg * In-vjwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————y?16— (V Now&Next 120 TV T÷night 121 DEAFVIEW - NEWS A#D V+EWS p467 Now * Next (V Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 119 Jan03 23:10:35 ] U 888 ]  (UE+DAY ——————————————————————————————————————— @10.30 Tweenjew BBC2 Thew Morning ITV 10.50 The Long Vo{bgj Hooj BBC2 11.00 A Famjl{ oo My Ow BBC1 11.05 Dawwon'u Creek CH4 Q2.00 Wipjout BBC1 5 News at Voon CH5 12.20 Central News ITV 12.30 Passport to the Sun BBCQ Wildlife on Two BBC2 ITV Lunchtime Vews ITV Czbill CH4 Family Ajfairs CH5 Q2.55 Home !nd Away ITV 13.00 Vews BBC1 * In-ujwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————{/16— Deafvjew 467 Disbbility Update 468 ON STAGE - FULL THEATRE GUIDE p430 Now & Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 - Teletext 1Q9 Jan03 23:10:48  888 ]  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— Q3.25 Loose Women ITV Gaslight CH4 Q3.40 Rio Grandj BBC2 Q3.45 Neighbours BBC1 14^10 Diagnowjs Murder BBC1 14.40 Wheel of Fortune ITV 14^55 Bread BBC1 Q5.10 ITV News Headlines ITV 15.15 Central News ITV @Q5]20 Veww BBC2 Q5.25 Tweenjes BBCQ None but the Brave CH5 Q5.30 Great Estates CH4 15.55 Esthjt BBC2 * In-ujwjon subtitlew (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————10/16 TV Now&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 : DEAFV+EW - NEWS AND V+EWS p467 Now & Next TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 : TjlStkxt Q1: Jan03 23:11:20  888 ]  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 16.00 Gui}zly (ales for Gruesome Sims ITV Fifteen-to-One CH4 16.10 Pocket Dragon Adventures BBC1 16.20 Home F!rm Twins BBC1 16.30 Rjadz, Stea$z, Cook BBC2 Countdown CH4 16.35 The Really Wild Show BBC1 Q7.00 Vewsround BBCQ Claswjc Rhdew BBC2 Rjcki Lake CH4 Q7.05 Home and Away ITV Q7^10 The Ghost Hunter BBC1 * In-vjwjon subtitlew (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————1Q/16 Deafvjiw 467 Diwbbility Update 468 ON STAGE - FULL THEATRE GUIDE p430 Now & Vext (V Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 11: Jan03 23:11:3/ ]  888  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— Q7.30 Paws the Buck BBC2 Pet Rjwcuj CH4 One to Win CH5 Q7.35 Neighbours BBC1 @18.00 Vews BBCQ Doctor Who BBCR Central Vews at Six ITV 5 News CH5 18^55 Dui South BBC2 18.50 ITV Evening News ITV Family Affairs CH5 Qy.00 Holijaz BBCQ Emmjrjale ITV Channel 4 Vews CH4 Martial Raw CHg * In-vjwjon uubtitlew (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————12?1v TV Vow&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 DEAFVIJW - NEWS A#D V+EWS p467 Now & Vext@ TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 11: Jan03 23:;1:56 ]  888  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— Qy.10 The O Zone BBC2 1:.30 EastEndjrw BBCQ Morecambj and Wi{j BBC2 Weld About Food ITV Q9.55 Voices on the Line CH4 20.00 Vets in the Wild BBC1 Like and Death in tie 21wt Century: A Horizon Trilogy BBC2 The Bi}} JTV Brooksjdj CH4 Ljarnjrs CH5 20.30 The Fl{eng Garjjojrw BBCQ Driwjn CH4 Crash Landjgs CH5 * In-ujwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————13/16 Deafvjew 467 Diwability Update 468 ON STAGE - FULL THEATRE GUIDE p430 Now & Vext TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 Teletext 1Q: Jan03 23:12:13 ]  888  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 20.k0 PrSdjctionv BBC2 2Q.00 Vews BBCQ Murder Rooms: The Dark Beginnings of +hjrlock Holmes BBC2 Peak Practice ITV The Coojc Strip Prewjntw: Four Me in a Plane CH4 Gremlins CHg 21.30 Au Pajrw BBC1 21.45 The Coojc Strip Prewjnts: Four Ze in a Car CH4 22.00 Steptoe and Son BBC2 @ Tarrant on TV ITV * In-vjsjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————14?16 (V Vow&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 : DEAFVIEW - NE/S AND V+JWS p467 Now & Next TV Tonight Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 : Teletext 1Q9 Jan03 23:12:5m -  888 ]  (UESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 22.20 The Nearly Complete and Utter History of Ever{thing BBC1 22.55 The Return of the Comic Strip: The Documented +tor{ CH4 22.30 Newwnight BBC2 R3^00 Robbie Wj}liamw: It AiWt Half Hot Mum BBCQ ITV Vightly Neww ITV 23.20 They Might Be Giants BBC2 Central Neww ITV 23.30 The Doctor ITV Al{ G CH4 23.40 Weird Sciece BBC1 * In-vjwjon subtitles (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————35?16 Deafvjew 467 Diwbbility Update 468 : ON STAGE - JULL THEATRE GUIDE p430 Now & Next TV T÷night Deafvjew TV Plus
P119 : Tjletexi@ QQ9 Jan03 2s:12:58  888  TUESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— 00.50 Invbsjon CH4 02.50 This Gun For Hire ITV 04^55 Cjnttal Jobfindjr 2000 ITV 04^35 Red Kangaroos CH) * In-ujwjon subtitlew (not teletext) ——————————————————————————————————16/16 TV Now&Next 120 TV Tonight 121 DEAFVUEW - NEW+ A#D V+JWS p467 Now & Vext TV Tnight Deafvjew TV Plus