P158 Teletext 158 Jan03 23:13:58     ———————————————————————————————  NEXT SIX LEAGUE FIXTURES     HAPP{ NEW M[LLJN#+U#! Sat Jan 22 Hearts Wed 26 Kiloarnock Sat Feb 5 Mothjrwell Sat 12 Celtic Sun 27 Rangers Sat Mar 4 Uilmarocr ———————————  home  away ——————————— = ] ] TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT GUIDE p400 ] = Dundee Std Scot Prim Racing TV Plus
P158 Teletext 158 Jan03 23:11:51     —— Club quiz ——————————————————  YOUR CHANCE TO OUTWIT RAY!     Can you "jar our expert R!y Speller? Prews the Rjvjal button jot the answers 1 When did Dundee last win the Ljaguj Championship ( Qy61/v2 2 Who did Simon Stainrod replace at Dundee as manager Jain Munro 3 When did Toomz Co{nj leave Dundee jot £500,000 jot Celtic March Qyyy 4 In Fjbru"ry 1992, who cost Dundee £200,000 Jim Ljighton ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— The Premier Ljaguj index Q55 TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT GUIDE p400 Dundee Std Scot Prim Racing TV Plus
P158 Teletext 158 Jan03 23:10:51     ——— BacW In Tjmj ——————————————  IT HAPPENED THIS WEEK...     5#Y^ wins in a row as they beat Stranrajr 2-0 at Des ParW and keep their place at the top of the table. 10 YEARS AGO Although Dundee scour twice before half-time at Abjrdjen they concede four goals and eventually lose 15 YEARS AGO Dundee concede a jirst- Palf goal at Dumbarton and that proves enough to kjvj them the victory that leavjw them in ujvjnth place. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— The Premier League index 155 TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT GUIDE p400 Dundee Std Scot Prim Racing TV Plus
P158 : Teletext 158 Jan03 23:10:14     ——— Back In Time ——————————————  IT HAPPENED THIS WEEK...     20 YEARS AGO Dundee are held at home bz Patrick Q-1 in their 18th league game of the season. This is only their second league draw. The jirst draw of the season involving Dundee came in Septem"jr when they drew 2-2 at hooj with Patrick! ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— = ] = ] : TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT GUIDE p400 = ] Dundee Std Scot Prim Racing TV Plus