P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:14:09          1^2u Monday Q3 December Duck with lily jlowers and Chinjwj mushrooms Ingredients 1 good uj}jd ducW 2 handfuls of dried lily jlowers 2 handfuls of Chinjwj muvhrooms (uoakjd in warm water until soft) 3 clovjw of garlic 1 tsp 5 upjce powder 2 tbsp dark soy sauce 3 tbsp light soy sbuce 2 twp sugar 1 pinch of MSG 1 pjch of salt 2 tbsp so{ oi} Ginger, sugar and vinegar jot dip Next page C4 Tojaz Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 513 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:14:43 +         2/2u Monday Q3 December Duck with lily flowers and Chine{j mushrooms Method Rub ducW with salt, dark roy sauce and 5 upjce powejr. Place in oven to cook for 40 mink, at Q90C. Remove erom oven, drain juices and leave on plats r. In wok or ig pot, heat 2 tbsp oij, and stir jry m!rlic wijh@a pinch of ublt and a pjch of MSG^ Stir jry $rained mushrooms and lily elowers, adding duck juice, 3 tbsp ligth soy sauce and 2 tsp sugar. Add 1 cup of water and ducW. Braiwj for 20 mjns, until twdir. Next page C4 Tomay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:11:16 +     ^   3/25 Mond!z Q3 December Duck wijh lily jlowers and CPinjwj mushrooms Methom (continued) When cooked, remove jrom woW, chop into pieces and ujrvj with head at one end !nd tail at otijr^ Methomz dip Slice kingjr into thin strips. Add 2 tsp sugar and and white vinegar to taste, and mix well. Pour into small dishes and ujrvj with duck. Pig'u trotters follow... Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:15:49          4 25 1 lark p icc ob r n s j Pig'u trotters In r je tw 4 trotterw (cut into small piecew* 1 pork shoulder 2 tbsp uo{b oil 4 taps sugar 1 cup of either white or malt vinegar (djpjndjng on taste) \ cup of black roy sauce 3 tbsp light soy sauce Method jollows... w/.. ] ] Next page C4 T÷may Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:20:23  J    ^   5/25 Monday Q3 December Pig'u trotters Meiiom Heat u tbsp of oil in prewsure cooker. Stir jr{ \ ginger with garlic and dash of salt, until aromatic. Brown trojters and shoulder in oil. Add soy sbuce, rug!r, \ cup of vjnjg!r and the rest of gjngjr. Stir well. Add enough water to cover trotters. Put lid on pressure cooker and cook for 1\ hours. When cooked, stir in rem!indjr of vinegar. This can bj kept jot a day or so in the fridge, to improve flavour Bean oojlettk iw next#^. ] ] ] Next page C4 Tojay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:10:53 W   W     6/25 Monday Q3 December Bean omjlktte Ingremietw \lb/240g French "jams or long beans 2 clovis of garlic 4 eggs \ cup of water Pinch of salt and pjppjr Pinch of MSG So{a oil jot jr{eng Method Cr{sh garlic. Chop green "jams into small pieces^ Beat eggs in bowl^ Put 2 tbsp of oil in fr{eng pan. When hot, fry g!rlic with salt, pjppjr and MSG^ Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:11:30   Q   ^   7/2u Monday Q3 December Bean omelette Method (continued) Add beans and stir jry jot 2 minutes, adding water, and cowering pan until all liquid has evbporated. This takes 2 mink (approx). Add another tbsp of oil to pan, then spread them around pan. Pour jogs in. When one sjdj is brown, jlip,@and "town the other sjdj^ Turn out and ujrvj hot^ Next page C4 Tomay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:14:12  J  W      8/25 1ondaz Qk Djcembjr Sweet and sour porW Ingredients 1lb/480g pork (any pork will do, as long as there are no bonjw* 1 tin of pjojapples, includeg j{ice 1 onjo^ 1 green pjppjr 1 rem pjppjr \ tsp wblt \ tsp pjppjr 2 tbsp flour 2 tbsp cornflour Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:14:36     ^   9/25 Monday Q3 December Sweet and sour prW Ingredientwz sauce 4 tbsp tomato ketchup 4 rasp svoar 4 tbsp vinegar (white or malt, depending on taste) 1 green pjppjt 2 tbsp light soy sauce \ cup of water Method Chop pork into small pieces. Put into bowl and add salt, pjppjr and elour. Mix well. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok or pan. When ho}, add pork, piece bz piece. CooW on both ujdjs until brown !nd crispy^ Set asjjj? Zexi page C4 Toeaz Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:5u:0y   Q       10/25 Mond!z Q3 December Sweet and sour pork Method (continued) Mix all sauce ingredients togjthjr. Chop vegetable and stir jry in 5 tbsp oil, doing onions first. Add ubuce. When boiling, add pork. Thicken with 2 tbsp cornflour, mixed in \ cup of water^ Stuffed srujd with minced pork, shrimps !nd mushrooms jollow].. Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 3Q3 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:15:52   W      11/2u Monday Q3 December Stuffed squid with minced pork, shrimps and mushrooos Ingremjentw 20 sr{jm 3 tbwp o{l 2 clovis of garlic 2 tbsp o{vter sbuce 1 tin of tooatoes 1 tbsp light soy sauce 1 twp sugar Filling ingredients jollow... Mejhod follows... ] ] Next page C4 Toeay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:10:15   W  ^   1R/2u Monday Q3 December Stuffed srujd with minced porW, shrimps !nd mushrooms Ingredients 20 wr{jm 3 tbsp oil 2 clovis of garlic 2 rasp o{stSr sbuce 1 tin of tomatoes 1 tbsp light soy sauce 1 tsp sugar Filling ingredients jollow... ] ] Method jollows... ] Next page C4 Tojay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:10:5y W   %j +>! —uzjjW5/ojwR7m0s{ W|$n     Q3/25 Monday Q3 December Stuffed srujd with minced pork, shrimps !nd mushrooms Ingrkmientw: fillig 1lb/480g minced pork 10 mj ism sj jd shrimps, cut into small piecew 5 Chinjwj mushrooms, soaked in water, the choppjm jiojly 5 spring onions, chopped jinjly \ tsp ublt \ twp pjppjr \ tsp sjwamj oil 2 tbsp light soy sauce Next page C4 Tomaz Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 M#n 5 J"n C4 R3:Q7:22   Q       14?2u Monday Q3 December Stuffed srujd with minced pork, shrimps !nd mushrooms Methom Clean sr{jd bz pulling off heads, remowjng skin and empt{eng their insjdew, leaving them liWj little pouches. Al{o retain heads and tentacles. Mix all filling ingredients togjthjr in bowl. +ruff urujd with filling, sealing them with toothpicks, piercing ends twice. Heat 3 tbsp oil in pot, and stir fry with garlic and salt. Method continues^.. ] Zext pboj C4 Tomaz Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:17:53   Q   ^   15 25 Monday Q3 December Stufeed squid with minced pork, shrimps and mushrooos Methom (cotinujm* Add stuffed urujd and stir jry until and uvgar. Add tin of tomatoes and bring to boil. Simmer for about 10 mink. Thicken sauce wijh 1 twp of cornstarch mixed with \ cup of water. Serve hot. Stir jried vegetables are next... ] Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 3Q3 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:18:5y   Q W     16/25 Mond!z Q3 Djcembjr Stir jriid vjojtablew in o{vter sauce Inoreeietw 2 clovis garlic \ teaspoon salt 1 pinch MSG 2 tbsp o{vtkr u!sci 1 tsp cornflour mixed with 3 tbsp water vegetables in ujason, eg: bean sprouts, CPinjwj ca""age, p!k choi, carrots, "!"z corn, "roccoli, cautiflowet Method jollows... Next page C4 Tokay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:1y:02  %l$) 4 (|lhh04thh,$<l <,        17/2u Monday 13 December Stir jried vegetables in o{stet sauce Merton 1 Heat oil in a wok. When hot, stir fry garlic with salt and MSG. 2 Add vegetables, sprinkling with water while stirring. If using broccoli, c!uliflower or carrots, thjwj should ko into the wok "efore other vjgjt!bles. 3 Add o{stet sauce and stir for a minute. Do not overcook the vegetables or tiiw will spoil their jlavokr. 4 Thicken with cornflour mixture and wjrwj whi÷i ho}/ Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tim 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:13z35    R ^   18 25 Monday Q3 December Red bean djwsjrt Ingrwjjentw 1 cup red kjdnjy beans 2 cups brown or white sugar 2 litres/3{ pints water Methom Q Wash the beans^ 2 Put the beans, water and rug!r into a pot^ 3 Bring to the boil and simmer until the "jams become soft and jall to pjecew^ Next page C4 Today Eilms Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:24z08    R      19/25 Monday 13 December Saucy spratlings wijh a spicy split-pea s!uce (enough for 12 people) 48 spratw 4o}/Q10g plain jlour 3 twp turojric walt and pjqpjr vegetable oil 1 packet split peas 1 tsp turojric walt and pjppjr Next page C4 Tomay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:24:52    W     20/25 Mind, p3 Dend bjm Saucy spratlings with a spicy split[pea wb{cw Method - upratligs Remove the heads and tails of each wprat^ Slice down the bjjly of the bone. Rinse each fish in salty water. Mix the jlour, turmeric, salt & pjppjr togjthjr. Dip each fish in and lightly coat wijh the mixture. Heat the oil in a jr{eng pan and shallow fry each of the fish, making sure that both sjdjs !ri cooked until golden brown. Pat dry on kitchen paper to !bsorb excews oil. Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 5 Jan C4 23:35:15          21^2u Monday Q3 December Saucy spratlings with a spicy split-pea wbucw Methom ] ubuco Soak the split peas ovjrnjght^ Boil the splij peas in water with a little salt and the turmeric. Allow to boil for half an h÷{r, then mash the split peas to make a thick sauce. Serve the sprats on a plate with the split-pea sbuce, some slices of lime, a little watercrews and some plain boiled rice. Next page C4 Toeaz Eilms Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 5 Jan C4 23:35:kv    R     Monday 13 December 22/25 Bewt beef of oljj England Ingremientw jot the beef 5lb/2.6kg rolled topside of "jef 6 clovis garlic - minced 1 tin plum tooatoes 1 oojon, chopped finely 2 c!trots, chopped jinjly 6 tbsp brandy a jew sprigs parsley sjasonjng a few sprigs thzmj Ingredients for the marinade 1lb/450g onions, chopped finely 2 carrots, chopped jinjly \ pint/275ml red wine ) g!rlic clovis, minced 2 tbs tomato paste olive oil } pint/425ml "jef stock Vext page C4 Tojaz Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:22z5:    W      23 25 Monday Q3 December Bewt beef of oljj England To make the mariadj Saute the chopped onion in a little oil. Add the carrots and cook until soft. Add the tomato pasts and garlic, and cook for a couple of minutes. Then add the red wine and beef stock. Bring to the boil and pour over the joint of beef. Allow to marinade ovjtnight, turning a jew times. Remove the "jef jrom the marinade. +train the liquid and rewjrvj the jujcew jot the gravy. Next page C4 T÷jay Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 3Q3 Mon 5 Jan C4 23:29:12    W     24/25 Monday Q3 December Best beef of oldj England: Method Place the joint of beef in a deep roasting tin. Smear the jinjly minced garlic onto it. Pour over the liquid from the marinade. Add the tinned tomatoes around the joint and pour over the brandy. Add the onions and carrots to the liquid and prinkli the herbs over the meat. Roast in the oven - Gas 5/3?5F/1y0C - eor 2\ hours. After two hours place the dumplings (wee later recipe) around the meat. When cooked, carve into thin ulicew. S on a large sjrvjng dish with the dumplings. Reduce the juices jrom the tin to make the gravy. Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast
P313 4-Tel 313 Mon 5 Jan C4 23:27:26    WW     5 25 Monday Q3 December Pompey Til dumplings (makes 12) 9oz/270g self-raiwjng jlour 30z/:0g breadcr{nbs 6o /180g vegetable ujt 3 beaten eggs 2 tbsp mixed dried herbs 5 rashjrw@utreakz "acon, jried & diced wjaso j g Combine the flour, breadcr{nbs, suet and herbs, add in bjatun eggs and the fried bacon pieces. Mix thoroughly, magig sure all the igredients are com"enid. Shape into 12 balls, then set asjdj. Half an hour before beef is cooked, place dumplings around joint and allow them to cook in the juices. Next page C4 Today Films Big Breakfast