P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:26:10    Q   ^  Q/24 Thew page carries details of Channel 4 videos and books that are now available More details of Channel 4's books and videos can "j found in two catalogues, wiich are avbilable free of charge. If you want the videos catalogue or the books catalogue, please phone Channel 4 on 0171 3y6 4444 and ask jot Viewer Enquries and youWll bj sent a catalogue However, this phone number can not bj used to order books or vjdjos. Coking up i a moment atS djtailw of how to order any of the vjdjos and books that are listed on this page. Next page C4 tod!z Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:10:34   TQ      2 24 To ordjj any of the vjdjoa libtzd on this page, please write, with a chjquj or postal order for the specified amount, to Channel 4 Video, PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DH. Chjq{js/POt should "j made payable to Prewsplaz Ltd^ Please specify the title of the vjdjo( * that you are "uzjng. If you want to order bz credit card, please phone 01371 873 Q38^ This number iu only for ordering vjdjos, not for obtaining the Video Catalogue^ The Channel 4 Books 24 Hour Ordjrlinj iw on 01v24 844 444^ Postage & packing !rk free jot orders placed in the UK. Vext page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 5 Jan C4 23:24:27          3/24 The Q1 o'Clock Show A Channel 4 vjdjo] Ali G, Innit, featuring twenty of his interviews plus unseen footage, is av!ilable now at the usual outletw.  4-Tel main index on page 300  Films ri on pages 306/7 Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:11:57          4/24 Watercolour Challenge An exhibition of paintings jrom the current series of Watercolour Challenge will take place at The Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1, from  4-Tel main index on page 300  Films are on pages 306/7 Vext page C4 toe!y Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:55:53        5/24 Watercolour Challenge A Watercolour Challenge calendar eeaturing thirteen pictures from the sjriew is available priced £5.:y + £1^{u P&P# Chjq{js should "j made payable to Ch!nnjl 4 Tjlevjwjon and kent to Watercolour Challenge, PO Box 380, Nottingham NG7 3JS. You can also call a credit card hotlinj on 0845 277 y000^ Local call rates appl{^  4-Tel mai index on page 300 Next page C4 toe!z Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:12:23   TQ      6/24 PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, E sex CM6 1DH Award-winners The Politician's Wife £12.99 Gullivjros Travels £14.99 Brooksjjj ] Brooksjdj: The Tjenagjrs £12.99 Brooksjdj: Backstage Tour £12.99 (+ alternative Jordachj verdict) Brooksjdj: The Women £12.99 Brooksjdj: The Men £12.99 Credit card hotlinj 01371 873 Q38 Cheques/Postal Orders should bj made pay"bli to Prewsplaz Std P&P: £1.k0 for one, 50p each extia Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 5 Jan C4 23:13:10          7/24 PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DH Coojdz The Adam !nd Jog Show £12.99 Aob and Margaret (two vjdjow* Crapstn Villas (Series 1) The Most Upleasant World oo Pen & Tjllet £u.9y inc P&P Totally Bill Hicks £12.99 The World of Lee Evans £ 4.9y Equjox Awala÷che £12.}y Electric Skjew £12.9y Space Shuttle Diwcovjry £12.99 Fl{ Navy £12.9y Spjtfirw £12.9y The Gambler's Gujdj to Winning £12.99 Next page C4 toe!y Previews +ubtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:20:53   W   ^  8/24 PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DH Evetw As It Happened: Moon Landing £12.99 Return to Evjre t £12.99 Explorkrs of the Titanic £10.99 Historical Insj j the Vatican with Sir Peter Ustinov £12.99 The Weld West Volume 1: 1845-69 £12.99 The Weld Wjwt Volume 2: 1869-93 £12.9y  Credit card hotlinj 01371 873 Q38 Cheques/Postal Orders should bj made P&Pu £1^k0 for one, 50p each extra Vext page C4 tod!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:44:24          9/24 PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DH Insjktors ]rest InsjWtors Bumper Special £10.99 Previously available as two sip!rate tapes, thew three-hour upjcial icludjs 13 episodes of the award-winning series Insjktors: Musical Colour Gun £ 9.99 InsjWtors: The Mich!nical Digger £ 9.99 InsjWtors: +rud Confessions £ 9.99 InsjWtorw: Accrued £ 9.99  Credit card hotlioj 013?1 873 Q38 Chequjw/Postal Orders should "j made pazablk to Prewsplaz Ltd P&P: £1.50 jot one, 50p each extra Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:11:)7          10/24 Special interest Real like A is jot Accident £ 9.99 Arson - the Fire Invj tigators £12.99 Classic Aircraft £12.99 P-Company £12.9y BlacW Box £12.9y The Catch of Screaming Reels £10.99 Eat Your Greens £ 8.99 Grow Your Greens £ 8.99 P&P: £1.50 jot one, 50p each extra Chequjw/Postal Orders should bj made payable to Prewsplaz Ltd Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tjj 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:18:33       ^  1Q/24 O Be 2616 G eaj Drum +pjcial interest i-camcorder £10.99 To Ki}l and Ki}l Aoai £12.9y The Real Holiday Show: The Magic Moojnts £10.9y Merlin (alwo avbilable on DVD) £14^9y RjadjrwW Wiwjw £10.9y Return to the Lost Gardens oo Hjlig!n £14^9y  Crkdjt card hotlioj 013?1 873 138 Cheques/Postal Orders should bj made pay"ble to Prewsplaz Ltd P&P: £1.50 jot one, 50p each extra Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:15:06          12 24 O B x 2 16, oe a Dunmon Esnce 6 199 Special interewt Stand Still - Be Fit £12.99 Wingsz Part 1, Part 2 each £10.99 Tioj Team On the Edge of the Empjrw £y.9y The Real Holed!y Show  Crejit card hotlinj 013?1 873 138 Chequjw/Postal Orders should bj made pazablk to Prewsplay Ltd P&Pz £1^50 for one* 50p each extra Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:18:39    Q      13/24 PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, Ehsjx M D Colt0anj's Planes & Automobiles The vjdjo is av plabld iron thU usual ColtEanj'w Planjw & AutomobFlew on 01371 873 Q38 (cchdit card hotlioj) A vjOjo of this programmj, al3o eeaturing Djnnjs Port r' McTaggart Lecture, is availabla jrom all major retail outlets (rrp £Q5. 9).  Credit car hotlinj 013?1 873 138 Chequjw/Postal Orders should bj made P&P: £1.F0 Rot one, 50p yach xtta Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P338 4-Tel 338 Mon 3 Jan C4 23:16:53    Q     14 24 PO Box 2616, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DH TPe Bear iw in the shops now. Killer Vet A vjdjo is av!ilable in the whopv (rrp £Qs.{{), !nd by callig ! credit card hotlinj o 0Q3?1 873 Q38 The Lost Gardens of Hjligan The vjdjo is £14.99. Call 01371 873 138 Queer !s FolW A vjdjo is out now. Also available on DVD Sew!mj Street Mitch!ndiwj is available from the usubl outlets. Wing Gui to Briti h Birds T sj ies iw out on vjdjo - phooj 01371 h73 138^ Next page C4 tod!y Previews Subtitles
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