P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:14:51    ——————————————————————————————  OPENING VIGHT AT THE D#ME  Wb Only the sight of the Queen and Wb Tony Blair q{jujng could have made up eor the ordeal of getting into the o j ht of t Mi Do j A eiasco with the tickets and painstaking ujcurity checks meant thousands waited jot up to two hours to enter the Greeenwich structure. What was to unfold insjdj "jfore almost 10,000 guests had to "j very good. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————1/7—— Jonathan Donald reports jrom the Dome - DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY FOR 2000 p623 P!try Poems Vews 2000 Total Ents
P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:12:54    ——————————————————————————————  OPENING NIGHT AT THE DOME  ib The opjnjng night of the Wb Millennium Doge began with guests "jink allowed to wander round the 14 zones. Erie ch!mpagnj and canapes were distributed !monk the crowd, which organiwjrs had insisted would "j draw m inly rom th jnjral public. The drews code was relaxed with everything jrom tuxedos and "allgowns to jeans and trainers being sported. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————2/7—— See Web site for Millennium pic special NATIONAL FORECAST IS NOW ON ITV p153 Party Poems Vews 2000 Total Ents
P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:10:58 Q   ——————————————————————————————  OPENING NIGHT AT THE D#ME  /b The Millennium Dome show, One Wb Am!zing Night, began shortly after 11pm in the central arena^ Guests were treated to uomj gags "z +tephjn Fr{ and the mixed bag of music — chosen to please both modern and classical tastew^ Highlightw included M People'u Heather Small pjrforojng Let It Bj] The Corks !nd So Young and Amazing Grace, lid bz Willard White. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————3/7—— See Web site for Millennium pic special YEA5 OF PR#MIKE p208 ITV Party Poems Vews 2000 Total Ents
P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:25:53    ——————————————————————————————  OPENING NIGHT AT THE D#ME /0!j !0 b With 40 mjnutew to go before the Wb dawojng of 2000 at the Doge] the Queen, (jr party, Tony Bl!ir and j!mily took their seats in the central arena. Conscious the interior could "j chilly, Her Majewty was wjnsjbl{ djckjd in a stout apricot coat and brown Pat. The Archbishop of Canterbury offered a short moment of reflection, reciting The Lord's Prazjr bjfork allowing the einal festivjtiew to begin. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————*/7—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial BIG SCREEN NEWS p411 P!try Poems Vews 2000 Total Ents
P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:27:52    ——————————————————————————————  OPENING NIGHT AT THE D#ME /0!j !0 Wb The Queen opjojd the £758m Doge inWb a blaze of fireworks and cascading drapjw as the dzjng moments of 1:99 wlippjm bz^ A son"rk moojnt with a mali and jemali chorister walking to centtk stage eollowed, played out "z music written bz the celebrated John Tavj÷jr. Huge (V screens then cut to Big Ben and the chimes of midnight, followed bz images of London'u dazzling jireworks. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————5/7—— See Web site for Millennium pic special CHECK #U- THE GREEN SCENE p230 Party Poems News 2000 Total Ents
P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:11:57    ——————————————————————————————  OPENING NIGHT AT THE DOME  Wb A spectacular production called  Blujprintw For Paradiwj — A Carnival Eor Winter, was the jinale of the Doge'w opjojng. Hundreds of pjrformjrs djckjd in costumes inspired bz nature, jrom "utterflies to jish, careered around the arwob^ Eollowing the chaos, the music cut to Bach, and two acrobats suspended jrom cables enacted a touching love scene. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————6/7—— See Web site for Millennium pic special LATEST MUSIC NEWS AND GOSSIP p450 P!try Poems Vews 2000 Total Ents
P407 Teletext 407 Jan03 23:11:01    ——————————————————————————————  OPEN+NG VIGHT AT THE D#ME /0!j !0 Wb It began as a whambles — no Wb tickets and crowds qujujng for hours. But at the close of the Dome'u opjnjng ceremony, many jilt they had witnjwsjd something memorable — and worth the wait. Paula Harjjg, 52, of Cambridge, said: "It was the ujnsj of occasion." And AbhiwhjW Wadi, Q7, jrom Chester, s!id: "It was so exciting^" ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————7/7—— See Web site for Millennium pic special : FEATURES BED[ND THE NCWS p240 ITV P!try Poems Vews 2000 Total Ents