P475 Teletext 475 Jan03 23:14:12   BECTA    ———— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOTOGY ————— W  The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency Our role is to support the Govjrnmjnt !nd national agencies in the use and djvjlopmjnt of information and communications technology (ICU) to r j rand rds in ducation BECTA iw the lead agjocy jot the Vational Grid for Tjarnjng. Contact BECTA at the addrews "jlow ——————————————————————————————————s/6—— Teaching and Ljarnjng >>> Milburn Hill Road, Covjntty CV4 7JJ Tel: 01203 4169y4 Fax: 01203 411418 Ed TV Gujdj Ke{board Kids
P475 Teletext 475 Jan03 23:18:51 BECTA  ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— PRJMARZ RES#URCJS From ChalW Board To Internet - The English, Maths and Science at KS2. Price £7.50. Order ref: TX63007. Implementing IT - the essential toolkit for primar{ IT co-ordinators. Price £35. Order ref: TX78001. Internet Starter's Handbook. Price £7.50. Order ref: TX61002 For more info contact BECTA Publications, tel 01203 416669. ——————————————————————————————————u/6—— Or write to BECTA Publications Milburn Hill Road, Science Park, Cowjntry CV4 7JJ Ed TV Gujjj Ke{board Kids
P475 Teletext 475 Jan03 23:15:11 BECTA  ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ————— SECONDARY RES#URCJS Futjon - Ar an IT in Practice. Price £7.50. Order ref: (X77001. Music Technology in Action - includes jive booklets, video and CD-rom. Price £1y.u0. Order ref: TX66006. Hiwtory Uwjng IT Packs - ujarching jot patterns in the past u eng pr ad hj ts !nd databawjw^ Price £Q5. Order ref: TX66003. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— $ing BECTA Publications on 01203 416669 : Or write to BECTA Publications, : Milburn Hill Rd, Coventry CV4 7JJ Ed TV Gujdj Keyboard Kids
P475 Teletext 475 Jan03 23:11:52 BECTA  ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— AUTJS# 9y INTERNET C#NFERJNCE The National Autistic Society is running an Internet conference this @month - the first world-wide Internet conference on a diwa"ility topic. The emphases is on gjvjng teachers and Pjalth professionals practical insights into how to identify !nd support children !nd adults with autiwm. For jurthjr djtailw uje: http://www.!utism:9.org/ ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Write to the Information Unit at BECTA, Milburn Hill Road, Science : Park, Cowjntry, CV4 7JJ Ed TV Gujdj Ke{board Kids
P475 Teletext 475 Jan03 23:11:51 BECTA  ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— BERT 2000 EXHIBITION Grand Hall, Ol{mpja, 12-15 Jan 2000 How can information and communications technology (ICU* make teachers and educational managers more effective To find out cooj to the BECTa stand (D70) at the BERT 2000 exhibition. BECTa will al{o hold 10 ujminars on a variety of su"jicts. For more information about BERT 2000 see http://www.education-net.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Write to the Information Unit at : BECTa, Milburn Hill Road, Science : Park, Coventry, CV4 7JJ Ed TV G{jdj Ke{board Kids
P475 Teletext 475 Jan03 23:24:17 BECTA  ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— (HE EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE DATABASE Ahi oataaasj ip nbw mv ilabli on th software to support your work in the classroom BECTA has produced the Educational Software Data"asj, which contains nearly 6,000 pieces of software. Virtual Tjachjrs Cjntrk (VTCJ at http://vtc.ngfl.gov.uk/resource/jsr/ ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Local cinema listings jrom 4Q7 Reg addre s BECTA, Milburn Hill Road, : Scient Park, Coventry CV4 7JJ Ed TV G{jjj Ke{board Kids