P604 : Teletext 604 Jan03 23:12:55    ]^^  SPORTING'+ OVERNIGHT INDE( Q/Q1 Ch4 p604 Sky p361 CH5 p3y1 2 Cricket South Africa v England 3 Football Covjntr{ v Chjlwja 4 Football First Last Blast 5 Football Player Performances 6 Eootball Championship Index 7 NFL Super Bowl Index * Games 8 Eootball Make-Ups y Race÷g Make-Ups 10 General Millenium-Aire Promotion 11 Video Sportings Free Video +porting Index Rj-Opens at 8.15am on Tujwdaz morning jot cricket only and 9.30am for all other sports To Open An Account Call 08000 y69645 Invjsjon Racing City Bookies
P604 Teletext 604 Jan03 23:11:19    ]]^^   S#UTH AFRICA V ENGLAND 2/11 4th (jut, Newlandu, Cape Town England Qst Innings 200-1 505-555 J KALLJS RU# 80 125-130 G KIRSTEN RUN 80 125-Q30 +.Africa Index 21.0-22.5 England Win Index 1.5-3.0 Win=25pts, Draw=10ptw, Lowe=0pts Stop at a Century 14-16 +top at a Duck M/U 6 Qst Batsm!n to make a $uck/century Abowj Markjtw Updated in Running Morning Glory MU 110 Run>1,Wide10,Wot=20,Six=25,Maiden>-5 Balls till Qst Boundary M/U 74 (Must bj off Bat[ 1st Sewsjon Runs M/U 50 (Minimum 20 #vjrw* To Open An Account Call 08000 95y645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 : Teletext 604 Jan03 23:18:51   Q ^^ ^ COVENTRY v CHELSEA 5/11 TujC,Llwj oG Sly,8^ 0 m -n vj p3 1 Chjlwja/Covjntr{ h 0.1-0.4 Total Goals 2.5-2.8 Shirt Numbers 42-45 Bookings 25 10 58-42 Total Corners Q1-12 1st Match Goal 35-38 1st Covjntr{ Goal 55-55 st Chjl j Goal 48-51 Multi-Corners 55-35 Hotshotw 25/8NR. 34-38 (Keanj,Rousvjl,Flo,Zola) Total Goal Mink 135-145 Covjntr{ PerfW 39-42 Chjl{ja PerfW 46-50 Win=25,Draw10,Goal=15,Cln Sht=10,Cor3 Woodwork(rebounds*=10 Yellow=-5 Red=-15 25/10/0 Cowjntr{ 9-11 Chjlsja 13-15 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 : Teletext 604 Jan03 23:17:57    ]^^  First Last Blast (C) 4/11 Cowjntr{ Chjlwja Keanj 6-8 Flo 6-8 Rousvjl 5-5 Zola 5-7 Whjlan 2-4 Po{jt 4-6 Coventry Fld 7-10 Chjl{ja Fld 7-10 (inc Subs* (inc Subs* No Goal & Own Goal 5 - 7 Points !re awarded to both the FIRST and LAST wcorer in the match. Eirst Goal Scorkr? 25ptw Last Goal Scorer? 25pts (1-0 M+ Up=50) Virgins: Chjl{ja/Covjntr{ h 0-3 Qst Corner?10pts,1st Shot on Target?10p 1st Free Kick=5pts, 1ut Throw In=5pts ] New Accounts FREEPHONE 08000 969645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 Teletext 604 Jan03 23:1y:11    ^ ^ Plazjr Performances 5/11 ——————————————————— McAllister 50-55 Elk 48-53 Hadji 4?-k2 /ewe 4?-52 Goal Scored +55 Goal Assist +10 (The last person to touch the "all) +hot on Target +5 (Inc W'work + blocks in 6 yard box) Eorcing a Corner +3 (The last person to deliberately touch the ball before corner is conceded) Erie kicks won Inc penalties +3 Pass Made to (jammate in Oppo Half +2 Free Kick Conceded Inc Pens+Offwjdjw -3 Yellow C!rd -10 Red Card -25 Above Markets all OPTA Adjudicated New Accounts FREEPHONE 08000 969645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 Teletext 604 Jan03 23:17:51    ]^^  1:99/00 Premiership Index 6/11 Man Std 51-54 Tottenham 4-7 Arsenal 54-37 A.Villa 0-2 Leeds 26-2: Vewcastle 0-2 Chjlwja 17-20 The Field 6-9 Liverpool 14-17 Win>60pts,2nd=40pts,3rd=30pts,4th=20pts 5th=10pts,6th=5pts,Rest=0pts The London League Wjwt Ham 55-35 12/6 Spurs Q7-20 X/5 Arsenal 51-34 7/5 Wimbledon 8-11 9/6 Chelwja 19-22 4/4 Watford 0-2 3/6 Win=50,2nd=30,3rd=20,4th=10,5th=5,6th=0 Onl{ league Points Gained Against Each Other Count Each Team Plays 10 Games Goal DifW Counts In The Event Of A Tee New Accounts FREEPHONE 08000 969645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 : Teletext 604 Jan03 23:1y:50  ,,,,,,,,  ^^  Super Bowl XXXIV 100 Index 7/Q1 St. Louis v5-6k Washington 33-36 Jacksonville 65-65 Buffalo 50-33 Indianapoliw 50-53 Seattle 2:-32 Tampa Bay 4:-52 Miami 28-31 Minnesota 39-42 Detroit 25-28 Tjonjwwje 33-36 Dallas 23-26 Wen>100 R/U=70 Lo{eng Conf.=50 Lowing Div^ P-Offwz33 Lowing W.Cards=20 NFT Wild Card Gamjw Saturday 8th Januar{ Supremacy Points Tjnnjssje/Buffalo 3-6 38-41 Washington/Detroit 4-7 43-46 Sunday yth Janvbr{ Minnjwota/Dallas 6-9 45-48 Seattle/Miami 2-5 38-41 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 Teletext 604 Jan03 23:3y:40    ^   Mond!z's Football MU's 8/Q1 Evjrton v Leicester Rjwult 2]2 Shirtw 54 Books 30 Corners 11 Qst Match 16 1st Hooj 16 Qst Away 26 Multi's 24 Hotwhotw 0 T.G.Mi s Q31 Hooj Perf 45 Away Perf 53 Player Performance Hutchiwon :y Eadji 42 Collins 51 Ljnon 46 - To Open An Account Call 08000 969645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 : Teletext 604 Jan03 23:18:50    ^  MONDAY RACE.G M/U'w 9/Q1 Chjlt A{r Folk South DC Nos 56 50 52 64 Favouritew 55 80 80 60 +P'w 48.7 40.7 56.7 37^8 Distances 30.75 52.55 71.6 21.45 Heavies 65 95 60 Q10 Stop/Wen 20 50 20 40 A.P.McCo{ 5 -- -- -- Wjlliamso 85 -- -- -- Fijzgjrald 50 -- -- -- J^Tj}}bud 40 -] -] -- A.Dobbin -- 40 -- -- J.Crowley -- Q5 -- -- J -- -- -- 50 Walthamstow Q10 Moomork 98 - New Accounts FREEPHONE 08000 969645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 Teletext 604 Jan03 23:20:10   ^  Sporting Millennium-Aire 10/11 EVERY DAY in Januar{ we will "j kjvjng away a jree £1000 Foot"all Supremac{ Bet. The bet iw a FREE £1000 WHOLE GOAL Supremacy on the live, telewj{jd English Premiership of your choice. Clients who place j{ut 2 SETTLED BETS in one day will bj entered into that d!zv draw.   Please note the £1000   Free Supremacy Bet   Wjnnjrs jot the 2nd &   3rd January will bj    announced on Ch4 (ext    p604TSkz Text p361 &   www.uportingindjx.com   at 10am on 4th Jan. Good Luck jrom all at +porting Index ] New Accounts FREEPHONE 08000 969645 Invjwjon Racing City Bookies
P604 : Teletext 604 Jan03 23:25:35     Sporting Index - The Video 11/11  A ujmple explanation jot the riwj in popularity of Sporting Index spread betting.  / —],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0 W  !6 ÷? 5 jig} i"4 Wvprsssprssssssrpsssrpz FREE  Sporting Index Wj FREE / "££££££££££££££££££££! The jun of spread betting made jasz to undjrwtand Eor your FREE ujdjo juvt call 08000 yv yv 4u : New Accounts FREEPHONE 08000 969645 Invjsjon Racing City Bookies