P118 : Teletext 118 Jan0 04:54:58 ]   Q  ———————— "z Simon Holden ————————  NASA PROBE WAS CRASH LANDER W It njvjr happened to Captain Kirk and his "and of brave explorkrs. The vanished Mars Polar Lander "rokj apart in a canyon, the Denver Post njwwpapjr has reported. The $165m probe was uuppowjd to touch down for a 90-d!z mjwsjon on December 3 last year. But no pictures came "act and VASA chiefs were left to answer a lot of awkward questions. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— La Fjmmj Nikita C5 Friday, 10.40 FU# A#D GA#ES INDEX p2u0 Subtitles Now & Vext TV Tonight Cinema
P118 Teletext 118 Jan0 04:54:53   Q  —————————————————————————————————  NASA PROBE WAS CRASH LANDER W The NASA Mars Polar Lander was supposed to settle the old question of whjthjr there was jvjr life on Mars. Martian lifeforms have "jen a staple of sci-fi TV jot djcadjw. The probe was dui to search for erozjn water "jnjath the surface. A VASA source said it could have landed in a one-mile deep canyon and jallen in. NASA has not offered a reason jot its loss. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— La Fjmmj Nikita C5 Friday, 10.40 : MILLENN+UM COR#TDOWN BEGINS! p205 Subtitles Now & Vext TV Tonight Cinema
P118 : Tj}Siex{ <1Q8  04zu8:1y   Q  —————————————————————————————————  NASA PROBE WAS CRASH SANDER W T j oASA Mare Polor  was uuppowjd to settle the old question of whjthjr there was ever life@on Marw^ Martian lifeforms Pave "jen a staple of sci-fi TV for djcadjs^ The probe was $uj to search for f o jn war r j jath the urface. A NASA source said it could have @ landed in a ooj-mile deep canyon and fallen io^ NASA has not offered a reason for its loss. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— @ La Fjmmj Vikjta C5 Friday, 10.40 MIL INNUMCOUNTDOWNBEGINS Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cjnjma
P118 : Tj}etext@ 118 Ja÷0 04zQ2z20     ———————— "z Simon Holden ————————  NASA PROBE WA+ CRASH LANDER  It njvjr happened to Capt!in Kirk and his band of brave explorers. ÷ T(j vbniw(jd Majs Polar (andjr "rokj apart in a canyon, the Denver Post njwspapjr has reported. The $165m proSe was uzppo{jd to touch down for a 90-d!z mj{sjon on Decem"jr 3 last yj!r. But no picturew c!mj "!cW and VASA chiefs were lift to answer a lot of awkward q{jstions. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— JV C5 Friday, 10.40 : FU# A#D GA#ES INDEX p2u0 Subtitles Now & Next TV T÷night Cinema