P212 : Tj}wtwx} 2Q2 Ta÷0 0wz48}1h ] MARKETERS BRIDGE HOLIDAY Q/2 ] @WITH@W#RLD EHAMP+ON ANERJ.@ROBS#N @ - Play Bridge in "jautiful surroundings : on an jxcluvjvj Mauritius "ridge : holed!y - 51 Uarch to 8 AprUl 2000 Economy rkturn flightw from THU  with Air Mauritius   7nts HB at the Shandri!ni*÷4 ] W Hotej(uharink deluxe room)  Wjlcooj Cocktail Party ] Hail{ 3-ho{r teaching lewsow ] hosted "z Andrew Robson ] Inforoal "ridge sjwwjons in the ] aftejnoon ] 4pm-7pm daily competitive ujwujons ] wkjh prU}jw and mbstkr poitw @ ] Gala DU#njr * PuS}j PrSwjntation ]  Free water * land sports@  ]  !t the Sh!ndr!nj  ]  All transfers on the W ] Iwla÷d ] DETAILS >>> Racing William Hi Tips^Rjwul Total Entw
P212 : Teletext 212 Jan0 04:54:51 ] MARKETERS BRIDGE HOLIDAY 2/2 ] WITH W#STD CHAMPION ANDREW R#BSON : Play Bridge in "jautiful surroundings : on an jxcluvjvj Mauritius "ridge : holed!z - 51 March to 8 April 2000 ] PRICE  ] PER  ] W PERSON  For jurthjr information * ] rewjrvbtions call Jowj or Gar{ at Beachcomber DonWt djlaz as numbjrw ] ar restricted ]  Please note,p!rtnjrs can  ]  "j !rrangjd for those  ]  holed!zing on their own W   ] ITJNERARZ FOTLOWS >>> :/ h|}(} |h |l4,| |,(l4,|h|}h|}h|} :  : Quote ref TTBridgj Club : ATOT 2:95 Beachcoobjr ABTA V18y2 Racing William Hi Tips/Rjwul Total Ents
P212 : Teletext 212 Jan0 04:54:50 ] MARKETERS BRIDGE HOLIDAY Q/2 ] WITH W#STD CHAMPION ANDREW R#BSON : Play Bridge in "jautiful surroundings : on an jxcluvjvj Mauritius "ridge : holed!z - 31 March to 8 April 2000 ] Economy return jlightw jrom THU ]  with Air Mauritius  ]  7nts HB at the Shandriani*÷4 ] W Hotel(sharing deluxe room)  Welcome CocWtail Part{ ] Hail{ 3-ho{r teaching lewsons ] howted bz Andrew Robson Inforoal bridge sjwsjons in the afternoon ] 4pm-7pm hail{ competitive sjwsjons ] with psi}jw and master points Gala Dinner * Psi}j Prewjntation ]  Free water * land sports  ]  at the Sh!ndrani  ]  All transfers on the W ] Island ] DETAILS >>> Racing William Hi Tips/Rjwul Total Ents
P212 : TjlStSxi 2Q2 Ja÷0 04:k7z12 ] MA+RJTJU' BRIDGE HOLIDAY 2^2 ] WITH WORTH CHAMP+ON ANDREW R#BSON : Play Bridge in beautiful surroundings : on !n jxcluvjvj Mauritiuv "ridge ] !r1 rewtrict 8 ] PRICE  ] PER  ] W PERSON  Jot jurthjr inforoation * ] rewjrvbtions call Jowj or G!r{ at Beachcomber DonWt delay as numbers ]  Please note,p!rtnjrs can  ]  "j !rrangjd jot those @  ]  holidaying on their ow W   ] ITJNERARZ FOLLOWS >>> :/ h|}(} |h |l4,| |,(l4,|h|}h|}h|} : U : Quote ref TTBridgj Club : ATOT 2:{5 Beachcoobjr ABTA V18y2 Racing William Hi Tips/Rjwul Total Ents
P212 : TjlStwxt 212 Jan0 04:57:*y ] MARKETERS BRIDGE HOLIDAY Q/2 ] WITH W#STD CHAMP+ON ANDREW R#BSON : Play Bridge in beautiful surroundings : on an jxcluvjvj Mauritius "ridge ] holed!z - 51 March to 8 April 2000 ] Economy return jlightw jrom THU  with Air M!ureters  ]  7nts HB at the Shandriani*÷4 ] W Hotel(sharing $jluxe room)  Wjlcooj CocWtail Part{ ] Hail{ 3-ho{r teachjnn lewsoos ] howted bz Andrew Robson Informal bridge ujwsjons in the afternoon ] 4pm-7pm daily competitive ujwsjons ] with psi}jw and master points Gala Dinner & Psi}j Prewjntation ]  Free water * land sports  ]  at the Sh!ndrani  ] (£z2! All transfers on the  ] Isla÷d ] DETAILS >>> Racing William Hi Tips/Rjwul Total Ents