P306 4-Tj} 306 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:58:57    W  ^  THEY CAME Tl CmRDURA (1:5{) Q3.10-15.30 Thurwdaz 140mjns 888 G!r{ Cooper iw the star of this grimly atiwf eng drama, in which hj play a m!jot who iw accused of cowardice during a Q:16 conflict in Mexico. Cooper' only means of r diem ng i good n!mj iw to jind jive min in hew regiment who djwjrvj to receive the Congrewsjonal Medal of Honour. Rita Hayworth, Van Heflin, Rich!rd Comte and Tab Hunter head the cast. Directed "z Robert Rowsjn Q/4 Films tomorrow Brooksjdj R2R Widjscreen
P306 4-Tj} 306 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:54:57    W  ^  CHILDREN #F THE DAM#ED (1y6m) 00.20-02^00 Tatw Thurwdaz 100mjns bw This ujqujl to the atmospheric British ci- i thrill r Village of the Damned starw Ian Hindu{ and Barbara Fjrriw. At embassjew in London, children of uarious nationalities !re imprisoned - bjcauvj the{ have extra-wjnsor{ powers which could prove djadl{. When rex of thjwj children ewcapj, the !rmjd jorcew !rk powerlews in their efforts to recapture them... Directed "z Anton M Ljadjr 2/4 Films tomorrow Brooksjdj R2R Widjscreen
P306 4-Tj} 306 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:54:52 W   W  ^  TRAIN T^ PAKISTAN (1:9?) 02.15-03.50 Latw Thurwdaz :5mjns This jngrowsjng drama iw ujt in India, in the years soon after that country (ad won indjpjndjnce jrom the British Jmpjrw# A communit{ in Punjab is diwrupted "z news of political unrewt jlwjwhjri, threatening the !bilit{ of SiWhs and Hinduv to live together there. The jilm'u passbgjw of Urdu dialogue !re prewjnted with Engliwh subtitlew. Directed "z Pamela Rooks 5/4 Films tomorrow Brooksjdj R2R Widjscreen
P306 4-Tj} 306 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:17:54    W  ^  JRASERHEAD (1:{?) 03.50-05^20 Latw Thurwdaz :0mjns bw 888 Writer[director David Lynch'u d—but featur has djvjlopjd a well-djwjrvjd cult jollowing, !s "jfits a jilm !s dark and complicated as this one. John ance play a m n who jnte s a nightmarish world, when his girlfriend givjw "irth to an inhum!n monster. Thew black and white jilm noir was djwcribjd "z Tjmj Out as "a compulwjvj hz"rid mex of punk surrealiwm and B picture".  4-Tel main index on page 300 4/4 Films tomorrow Brooksjdj R2R Widjscreen
P306 4]Tj} sQv Jr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04{uy:k0 * .  W    THEY CA-E T^ CORDURA (1:5{) Q3.10-15.30 Thurwday 140mjns 888 G!r{ Cooper is the star of this grimly satiwf{eng drama, in which hj pl!zv a m!jot who iw !ccuwje of cowCreice during a Q:Q6 conflict in Mexico. Cooper's only means of redeeming hew good name is to jind jive min in (is regiment who djwjtwj to receive the Congrewsjo#al Medal of Honouj. Rita Hayworjh, Van Heflin, Rich!rd Cote and Tbb Hunter head the cast. Directed bz Robert Rowsjn Q/4 Films tomorrow Brooksjdj RRR WjdjscrSen