P402 : Teletext 402 Jan0 04:54:58 T O T A T  -  -  ————— ON THE MOVE ————————————————————— Total Entertainment has moved as part of (jletext'u progr!mme of improving !nd jxqandjng o{r sjrvjce. The move affectw Big Screen, On Stage and Planet So{nd^ Cinema, Thjatr , Coojdz, Classical, Opera and Ballet listings and Gig Gujdj (ave alwo moved to new page mum"irs. But the Total Entertainment index stays o p400^ ———————— www.teletext.co.uk ————1/3—— : M[LLENN+UM COR#TDOWN p405 Total Ents P Sound Cinema P Sound
P402 : Teletext 402 Jan0 04:54:56 T O T A L  -  -  ————— ON THE MOVE ————————————————————— +tarw o p404 Total Entertainment has moved. The changjw affect Big Screen, On Stage !nd Planet Sound^ However, our Events section starting on p440 utazs whjrk it iw, as doew Love For a jull rundown of the pages that have changed, rwad on. >>> ———————— www.teletext.co.uk ————2/3—— : MILLENN+UM COR#TDOWN p405 Total Ents P Sound Cinema P Sound
P402 : Teletext 402 Jan0 04:54:54 T O T A T  -  -  ————— ON THE MOVE ————————————————————— Total Entertainment has moved as part of the expansion of our ujrvjce. Big Screen, including the cinema listings, moves jrom p460 to p410 On Stage, including the theatre listings, moves jrom p450 to p430 Music mag!zjnj Planet Sound, with the Gig Gujdj, moves jrom p480 to p450  Total Entertainment stays on p400 ———————— www.teletext.co.uk ————3/3—— MILLENN+UM COR#TDOWN p405 Total Ents P Sound Cinema P Sound