P409 : Teletext 40y Jan0 04:58:50   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS The nail[biting wait is jinally over — we have a winner of our extremely popular Millennium poetry competition. More than 500 of you mused in vjr{j on the haweng of a new century. A shortlist of 20 was drawn up and top po Ro j McGo gh act d s judo . Aeter numerous re-reads and much deliberation, hj picked out Dublinjr Maolshjachlann O Cjallaigh's poem: December 31, 1:{y. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————1/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special - WRITE TO: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON S/6 1XQ. FAX 0171 386 5618. Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 Teletext 40y Jan0 04:52:51   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS People'u poet Roger McGough was $jeply imprewsjd "z the standard of the poems jnterkd into our competition, and choking a winner proved a tough task. "I did enjoy the poems," rays Roger. "One of the difficulties I faced was to assess and compare the work of a 14- year-old with that of a senior citizen. "What I did, in jack, was to consjdjr the impact each poem made on mj "jfore taking age into account." ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————2/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial NATIONAL FORECAST NOW ON p253 ITV Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 : Tjletkxt 409 Jan0 04:56:52   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS "After much re-reading, eour poems stood out," says Millennium poetry competition judge Roger McGough. "They were: The Vew Millennium "y Olive Grist — a heartfelt poem that was skilful and elegantly written; The Millenn um Part z Kathr n Griffin was ujmple !nd moving. "And The Horsemen "y Christine Evans was powerful and thoughtful, and might well Pave won." But one stole the show. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————3/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special WRITE TO: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, : LONDON S/6 1XQ^ FAX 0171 386 5618. Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 - Teletext 409 Jan07 04:50:03   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS December 31, 1:9y "z Maolshjachlann O Cjallaigh of Dublin, was the poem selected "z Roger McGough as the winner of our competition. "It's a cele"ration of the great event and takes into account the millions of oul one bjfor , whom we will reprewjnt on The Great Eve. "It was the sjnsj of something differknt that interested mj. But I eound all the poems uplifting." ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————4/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special WRITE TO: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, : LONDON S/6 1XQ. FAX 0171 386 5618. Events On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 - Teletext 409 Jan07 04:07:54   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS A sjgnjd copy of Roger McGough'u book Blazing Fruit will "j winging its way to winner Maolshjachlann O Here once again is the winning poem: December 31, 1:{y A thousand years escapes the power Of human thought to comprkhjnd; Ten centuriew of hour on hour All working to this midnight'u end; cont >>> ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————5/:—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial - WRITE TO: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, : LONDON S/6 1XQ^ FAX 0171 386 5618. Events On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 Teletext 40y Jan07 04:57:56   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS Maolshjachlann O Cjallaigh's winning poem: December 51, Q:9y.^. The last breath of the thousandth year Looms larojr as time onward rolls; And I jeel the ambassador Of thousands of departed souls. Along with us who breathe tonight So many others, passed away, Had fondly wished to win respite To celebrate at least thew day; cont >>> ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————6/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special : WRJTJ TO: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, : LONDON S/6 1XQ^ FAX 0171 586 5618. Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 : Tjletkxt 409 Jan07 04:10:07   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS Maolshjachlann O Cjallaigh's winning poem: December 31, 1:9y... While thousands upon tho{sands moro Back through the vast Millennium Have pondered what time held in stork Eor humankind in years to conj? And muwjng thus upon what jake The distant juture might allow Have jixed their e{js upon this date That ujes us gathered hjrk and now; cont >>> ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————7/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial WRITE T#: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, : LONDON S/6 1XQ^ FAX 0171 386 5618. Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 : Teletext 409 Jan07 04:41:18   ZONE  ——————————————————————————————————————— MILLENN+UM P#EMS Maolshjachlann O Cjallaigh's winning poem: December 31, Q99y... This "jacon-point, this jinal $!z That jell to "j unveiled to us; So why should we not gladly play The role of mankind'u witnesses ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————8/9—— Millennium nightshirt winners >>> : WRJTJ TOy MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, : LONDON S/6 1XQ^ FAX 0171 386 5618. Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140
P409 Teletext 409 Jan07 04:51:58    ———————————  ———————————————————————— M[LLEN#+U# N[GHTSH+RTS WEN#IRS G. B lie , of windon, Wiltshir Wj have pjckjd out jive people who correctly answered c) Robert Burns to the question: Who wrote the Auld Lang S{nj l{tics The winners are: RK Knight, of Abjrcarn, Gwent Michael Delaney, of Manchjwter Clairk Walters, of Hednjwford, Staffs R Ban"jr, of Poole, Dorset ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————9/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial WRITE TO: MILLENNIUM, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON S/6 1XQ^ FAX 0171 386 5618. Evjntw On Stage Doge Club 140