P412 Tjletwxt 412 Jan0 04:14:51    ———  www.teletext.co.uk ———————————— CATHERJ#E THE GREAT This weeW "rings the British opjnjng of Time Reg!enid, R!ul Rue}'u sprawling film vjrsjon of Proust's novel Rjojmbrance Of Thegs Past. If you like your movies long, complex and challknging then you are in for a treat. James C!mjron jams steer clear. But jvjn if the near three-hour trawl Pas you gazing at the ceiling in search of respite, proceedings are illuminated bz the prewjnce of ooj of the screen's greatest beauties — Catherine Deojuvj. ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— bz Peter Simmonds - VOW IT'+ EVEN EAR+ER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
P412 : Tjletwxt 412 Jan0 04:58:57    ———  www.teletext.co.uk ———————————— CATHERJ#E THE GREAT Denjuvj is keen as a national treasure in France, whjrk her image adorns stamps and town halls as Marianne, the Frknch equivalent of Britannia. But does uhj wish uhj had decamped to Hollywood to chase the "ig films and "ig bucks "No, bjcausj I'm vjr{ French," uhj s!zs. "Paris iw where I live. I was always happy when I went to America to work, but I was always happy to ko bacW to France." ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— Tjmj Regained review 4Q3 - NOW IT'+ EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
P412 : Teletext 412 Jan0 04:58:58    ———  www.teletext.co.uk ———————————— CATHKRJNE THE GREAT Sultr{ Catherine Denjuvj has been an !ctrews for almost 40 years and worked with the world'u greatest directors. But is there anything uhj would change "I would like to have "jen more assured about myself when I was younger," uhj wbzw^ "Today I !m surpriwjd "z the incredible strength and character of actrewsjs at such a young age. For uo little experience they are so definite about what they want to do." ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Douglas/Zeta-Jones jngagjmjnt 411 NOW IT'+ EVEN EAR+ER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
P412 Teletext 412 Jan0 04:14:15    ———  www.teletext.co.uk ———————————— CATHERINE THE GREAT athplint Dnkjuvj' cool "jout" car captivbted great directors such as Luis Bunuel and Francois Truffaut. Her icy image is well matched "z her $jtermination to gu"rd her privacy, "ut uhj dj÷jew that uhj iw uptight. Peopl think I m in cont o c u j in mz meetings with journalists I ujem ujry protective of mz private life," uhj ubys. "But I'm actually very open in reality and when IWm working with directors I tr{vt^" ——————————————————————————————————4/8—— Movie reviews 413 Video reviews 414 ] FAMILY FUN - WHAT'S NEAR Y#U p443 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
P412 Tjlitwxt 412 Jan07 04:54:26    ———  www.teletext.co.uk ———————————— CATHERJNC THE GREAT as uhj iw, thjrv iw oojthilg strange in interviews, "ut mention fellow French beauty and animal camp!ignjr Brigitte Bardot and uhj expresses uomj vjr{ jirm opinions. "+hj'u a strange human "jink," uhj s!ys. "If you are involved with animals !bout your dealings with human beings. "+hj'w like a ubuce that has curdled. Thjrk iw nothing you can do. There is no hope^" No rivblry thjrk then. ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Local cinema listings 4Q7+ ] VOW IT'+ EVEN EAR+ER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
P412 Tjletwxt 412 Jan0 04:54:57    ———  www.teletext.co.uk ———————————— CATHKRJNW THE GREAT At 56, the uhimmjring, delicate "jauty of Froch jilm actrews Cathjrioj Deojuvj remains. Propelled to stardom in W60u jilms The Umbrellas Of Chjrbourg and Belle De Jour, her brilliant acting talents coupled with her astounding looks have made her a living legend of mowjew. As the regal yet raffish Odjtte in new French jilm Tjmj RjgainjdT uhj again shows hjrwjlf to "j one of cinema'u greatewt prewjncew. ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— Theatre: West End 433-35 Local 436 ] FAMILY FU# - WHAT'+ NEAR Y#U p443 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
P412 Tjlitwxt 412 Jan0 04:04:58    ——— ] ——————————————————————————————— WEN FREE CJNKMA PASSES p411 ——————————————————————————— Write to: Big Screen, PO Box 2:7, London S/6 1XT Or e-mail us: screen@teletext.co.uk Please always give a postal address. Web kite: www.teletext.co.uk/"igscreen/ ——————————————————————————————————————— FILM REV+JW PHONELJNE 0906 471 0501 To hear our latest movie reviews prews: Q The Blair Witch 3 Fight Club Project 4 The Rage: 2 The World Is Carrie 2 Not Enough 5 Deep Bl{j Sea ——————————————————————————————————/8—— T+ 60p/min. May involve long call NOW IT'S EVEN EAR+ER TO FEND LOVE: TJTETEXT DATING P3y0 Rjvjews Videos P Sound On Stage
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