P476 Teletext 476 Jan0 04:58:10  - WITH - ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE REVISION Monday: Biology (jletext has teamed up with Rjvjwjon Rjwcuj to help you prepark for GCSEs. Through January, weWll j ivjng you top tips jrom the experts on kitting ready jot the exams. Watch out jot: Tujwdaz: English Wjdnjsd!z: Intermediate Maths Thursday: Advbnced Maths next >>> Erijaz: Phzsjcw Saturdazz Chjmjwtr{ ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— Check out the Green Scene Q30 ] SKI THE BIG SCREEN INDEX p410 Flashback LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan0 04:52:51  - WITH : ELETJXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS: ADDING AND S+BTRACTJNG ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS Simplif{ 2 - 1 ————— ————— x - 2 x + 1 Eind the lowest common denominator (LCD)z (x - 2)(x + 1) Vow write each jraction in terms of this LCD and com"inj the jractions: (= 2(x + 1) - (x - 2) X—————————————————— (xO5)(x + Q) (Eor answer prews REVEAL on TV handset) ——————————————————————————————————u/8—— Check out the Green Scene 130 W#RLD #F W#RK p4:5 Flash"act LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan0 04:58:01  - WITH - ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS: ADDING AND S+BTRACTJNG ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS (CONT* Simplify the numerator jrom previous jramj, then prews REVEAL jot answer: (= x + 4 —————————————— ((x - 2)(x + 1) Tips for sjmplif{eng algj"raic eractions >>>>> ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Check out the Green Scene 130 W#STD OF W#RK p4:5 Flashback LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan07 04:50:54  - WITH - ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS Wh n yo r cro sing out terms in The jollowing tips will help you to simplify algebraic jractions: Always jactoriwj before you start crossing our terms in the numerator and denominator the numerator and denominator, you are act{bll{ dividing them both through bz the term that appears in both^ ——————————————————————————————————4/8—— Check out the Green Scene Q30 : W#RLD #F W#RK p4:5 Flash"act LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan07 04:55:55  - WITH - ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS: ANGLES Rjojmbjr COAST: C orresponding angles (often called F anglew* O ppowjte angles (sometimes called X a÷glew* A djacent anglew (You m!z know thjwj as Z a÷glew* S traight like (all !nglew on a straight line add up to 180 djgreew* T rianglew (the angle of a triangle rum up to 180 djgreew* ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Check out the Green Scene 130 : W#STD #F W#RK p4:5 Flashback LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan0 04:58:50  - WITH : ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS: ANGLES Anglew of n-wjdjd regular pol{gonk Extkrior angle = 360/n Interior angle = 180 — exterior angle AREAS A#D TANGENT TO A GRAPH A diwtance tioj graph iw given. The gradient of the graph r prewjnts the acceleration at that time. The area under the curve shows the diwtance travelled. ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— ChjcW out the Green Scene 130 EDUCATE#N INDEX p470 FlashbacW LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan07 04:14:57  : WITH - ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS: AREAS AND TANGENT For answer, prews REVEAL on (V andsjt Question: A car accelerates from the rewt. Itw speed iw 8 m/s after 10 seconds, 14 m/s after 20 seconds and 18 m/s after 30 seconds. Find the approximate distance travelled in the first 30 seconds in mjtrew. Uwjng the trapj}jun rule, diwtance = 10(0 + 8) + 10(8 + 14) + 10(14 + 30) X—— —— —— X2 2 2 (= 370m ——————————————————————————————————/8—— Check out the Green Scene 130 : EDUCATE#N INDEX p470 Flash"acW LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus
P476 Teletext 476 Jan07 04:54:58  - WITH - ELETEXT ——————————————————————————————————————— GCSE ADVANCED MATHS: AVERAGES Question: The average weight of 5 min is 92kg^ If a sixth man weighs 104kg, what would "j the average weight of the 6 min Prews REVEAL on TV handset for answer: The 5 min weigh 5 x 92 = 460kg The 6 min weigh 460 + 104 = 564kg The average weight of the rex min is 564 djwjjjd bz 6 = y4kg Rjvjwjon Rjwcuj books £4.99 ——————————————————————————————————8/8—— ChjcW out the Green Scene 130 EDUCATION INDEX p470 Flash"acW LostTouch Serv Pals TV Plus