P488 : Tjlktext 488 Jan0 04:11:58   ——————————————————————————————————————— ADVERTISE YOUR ASSOCIATION Welcome to Teletext'u new Association paojw^ Ark you the Membership Secretary for a forces/jx-eorces association Would you like to advjrtisj your monthly meetings or yearly reunion Send us details of your Association and wk will screen them jot you. The number of ucteenjngs per month will depend how popular the sjrvjce iw" ——————————————————————————————————1/25— Service Pals 487 Lost Touch 466 ] THE BEST OF TELETEXT p20u ITV F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:11:51   ——————————————————————————————————————— USER'S GUIDE number^ One of the !bovj will bj "j added to a jile and aired on rotation. Removal "z request. Only official correspondence jrom Membership Sec will bj accepted. Include name, addrews and contact ucreenjd. Keep letters short, 40 words max. Reunion dates can bj included. ——————————————————————————————————2/25— Have you found a long-lost jriend with Service Pals Let us know. Please write to G!il Gillogaley at above address. ——————————————————————————————————————— F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:12:02   ——————————————————————————————————————— The Ro{bl Engineers Awsn (Wakjfield) mjet2 2v424 ? h r f month, 7^45pm, YorW +t WUC, Wakjfield. Contact Kerr{ Fielding: 01y24 328420. Old Dux Assn is formed jrom 200 ex-sjrvjcemjn and women who sjrvjd RAF Duxford, Cambs. Meets biannually at Duxford. Details jrom JF Carling: HMS Glory Assn is in its 13th year and still sjekjng shipmatew who ujrvjd 1943-56. Three reunions each year, next one March 2000. For details contact Petkr Wardj: 01234 711611. ——————————————————————————————————3/25— - Non-sjrvjci ujarchjw: Lost Touch 466 F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjletkxt 488 Jan07 04:55:41   ——————————————————————————————————————— 88 Sqn Awsn, reunion 2000, early Oct, Social Club, Shelton. Contact HJ Need Canberra and Sundjrland min. Please contact jvjn if you donWt wish to join. Phone B Collins: 01302 851245.  (hj Ro{al Marines Awsn, (Stoke on (runt) meet on 3rd Thursd!z of each month at 8pm, Rectory Road Sports and Heshallz 01782 314y5z  Grenadier Guards Awsn (Wjwt Kent) meet at the Constitutional Club, SandrocW Road, Tun"ridge Wells on first Thursd!y jrom Oct to May. Call: 018y2 6uuu52^ ——————————————————————————————————4/25— : Non-sjrvjce ujarchjw: Lost Touch 466 F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:56:55   ——————————————————————————————————————— HMS Bulawayo Assn calling old Davp{a 01 r8 6o5sly t Nordmark. Contact RF Simmonds: 01268 3378^ RAF Cranwell Apprentices Assn. Still tr{eng to trace old colleagues who tr!enid at Flowerdown or Cranwell Q922- 52. Reunions Sept. Contact Dennis 145 Sqn Awsn 1939-58 (Cjlle) and OCUs. Annual reunion and newsletters. Vext reunion york, 2-4 June. Contact Eric Young: 01670 3549y7. ——————————————————————————————————5/25— : Keep your message short: 30 words max F!miliew LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 Tjletkxt 488 Jan0 04:44:17   ——————————————————————————————————————— Aldjnham Ro{bl Navbl Awsn. Meets 2000t Cuntact DO Battric : 015 3 Legion, Bushjy Mill Lane, 11.00!m. All ujrvjng and jx-sjrvjng welcome. Contact Bill Jonjw: 01z23 4446y2. Coldstream Gubrds Awsn (Birojngham* Millennium dinner to cele"rate 350th !nnjvjrwbr{ of the Regiment, May 13, 5?1867^ The Brotherhood Of The Veterans Of The Greek C!mp!ions has reunions ever{ year in Greece (May* and Ljamjngton Spa (Septem"jr). Contact Ed Horlington: 01225 677Q78. ——————————————————————————————————6/25— : Always include your name and address F!miliew TostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 - Teletext 488 Jan07 04:47:31   ——————————————————————————————————————— Were you in RTR or any of SAC riots? If uo conj along to Midway Branch of the RTR Awsn. Wj meet Gillingh!m, on 2nd Friday of each month. Contact Terr{: 01674 30803 (evjnjngs*. HMS Argon!ut Assn 1942-46. Q7th reunion on Sat, Sept 9, Victory Club in HMS Nelwon, Portwmouth. Still sjekjng crew of the leander class jrigate Argon!ut to join up wijh us. Call Vernon Triggs: 01784 45y512. RE Bomb Diwpowbl and EOD sjrvjng and ex-wjrvjce. Meet old jriends and comradjw in Bomb Dispowal Branch of RE Assn. Call A T Porter: 020 8554 8386. ——————————————————————————————————7/25— One submiwsjon only per month, please F!miliew TowtTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjlktext 488 Jan0 04:48:52   ——————————————————————————————————————— Aircrew Assn Mid-Sussex. Meets Burojws Hill, jirst Tujsdaz jvjry month. Mew mjmbjrs welcome. Call Bert Crampz 012:7 88235u. Calling all jxOZNG, HV, HVO, HOS, ABeD, UCK. Thriving vets assoc. Many in touch. Write to CFIVA: PO Box Q991, Chjwsjngton, UT: 2YN. HMS Hunter Association. Did you sjrvj on Hunter or with 807 Sqn FAA Why not join us. Annual reunions at the Home Club, Portwmouth^ Next one June 2000. Contact JacW Prwece: 01543 42R75y. ——————————————————————————————————8/25— : Could you get a war pjnsjon boost >> F!miliew LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjlktkxt 488 Jan0 04:56:14   ——————————————————————————————————————— Are you ex-Airborne, Reg or TA, living Newcastle upon Tznj area The Para Regimental Assn meets jirst Fred!z of month. Tom: 01670 51y262.  Ro{al M!rinj Association, Basjngstoke Branch. Wj meet on jirst Wjdnjsdaz of the month at the Ro{al Naval Club, Maritime House, New Road Basjngstokj. Bill Go{gh: 01256 324304. ——————————————————————————————————————— The Ro{al British Legion helps needy ex-wjrvjce people !nd their jamilies. For inforoation, or to join, call 0345 725725 or write to 48 Pall Mall, London SWQY 5JZ. Follow Lost Trails on http://www."ritishlegion.org.uk ——————————————————————————————————9/25— : Non-sjrvjce ujarches: Lost Touch 466 F!miliew LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 Teletext 488 Jan07 04:47:38   ——————————————————————————————————————— The East Lancs Para Regimental Assn Q2. Contact Geoff Wells: 01203 720661. Bold Street Working Men'u Club, Accrington. Write to ETPRA: Q9 Hood +trier, Accrington, Lancs BB5 1B/. RENE Awsn, Covjntr{ Branch. Meetings on ujcond Wjdnjwdaz each month. (mas meeting, "ring a gujwt, Dec 8^ AGM, Jan  HMS Widjmouth Bay Q944-57. If you sjrvjd aboard this ship conj and join WB uhipmatew. 4th reunion at the Angel Hotel, Ljamington Spa, May 2000. Contact Bob (Topsy* Turner: 01342 wus801^ ——————————————————————————————————10/25 : Always include your n!mj and addrews F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 Teletext 488 Jan0 04:58zu1   ——————————————————————————————————————— The Fourth Escort Group is holding its irdt reujnjdn in Ljic stel, Apri 8. All ranks welcome, jrom all Captain Class Frioatew. Call Hart{ Fine: 0181 45u y400? The London Ex-Priwonjr Of War Association meets every other month at The Union Jack Club, Waterloo, London. o j nd mj t old i ds Call Rex Bewsjll: 0181 5{1 0555. ExORAF÷ Did you sjrvj in Japan 1945-48 Conj and join The BCAIR Japan Association. Two annual reunions. Send RAE to Ch!klee Smzth: 5 Rodney Gdns, Wjwt Wickham, Kent BR4 9DD. ——————————————————————————————————1Q/25 : One submiwsjon only per month, please F!miliew TostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:11:54   ——————————————————————————————————————— RAF Mauripur Association (station revjwjted Sept 1:9?). Wj are still ujarching for those who sjrvjd at RAF Mauripur Qy42-57. Contact Langton Moors: 01772 721:77. Wj are an association for the 6 (Bo{s* Training Rjgjmjnt, Ro{al Signals, who were stationed at Beverley, East Yours, from 1950-56. Planning 50th annjvjrwary next year. Contact Tooz Hull: 01202 770261.  The Swindon Branch of The Malaya and Borneo Veteran'u Assn was set up in Q997. Now have over 50 mjmbjrs. Meet monthly, annual dinner, May 2000. Call Godfrey Burton: 017:3 827210 ——————————————————————————————————12/25 - Alw!ys include your n!mj and address F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjlktext 488 Jan0 04:0y:04   ——————————————————————————————————————— Wj welcome any jx-Aircraft Apprentice erom 58th Entr , RA Dalton or QM1 Entry, RAF Cranwell. Annual reunion in M!z, three njwwlitters a year. Contact David Alexander: 01480 55:27^  The RIME Awsn Caravan and C!mpjng Club welcoojs new mjmbjrs. More information jrom Doug Bell: 01206 5 0 3 Annual October reunion for min of the former Somjrwjt Light Infantry 1955-59. Open to all ranks, including attached pjrwonnjl. Contact David Williams: 01278 vys0u2^ ——————————————————————————————————13/25 - Always include your n!mj and addrews F!miliew LowtTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:55:54  Wj5sb{+z5pj5{+0juj5b{5 ——————————————————————————————————————— Did you you sjrvj in 50 HAA/ 50Med/50 Josjw: 01k2t 340783. or a regular soldier Join the 50 Miwsjle Club RA. AJ Todd: 01387 262378. Wj ark ujeking new mjm"irs jrom all branchjw of the Airborne Forces. Meeting on the last Fred!y of the month at 1y:30, RBL Truro. Contact Dave HMS Vewcastli (1955-58) Association'u fifth reunion, Portwmouth, September 15-17. The AGM will bj Sat 16. The Church Parade is at St Georges, The Hard. Contact Ray Young: 01:1 4167:59. ——————————————————————————————————14/25 : Always include your n!mj and address F!miliiw LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 - Teletext 488 Jan0 04:53:51   ——————————————————————————————————————— Glasgow Branch, Ro{al Engineers Assn meets 2nd Wjdnjsdam of every month, RE TA Cjntri, Hawkhjad Rd, Paisley at 7:30pm. Contact Erank McGrogan: 01698 5:w53^ 848 Malaya Association, ujeks all ranks of the Q:k2-56 Trooplifting Royal Vavz helicopter Sqn of Malaya. Many in touch. Contact L Smith: 01584 83 397. HMS Middleton (L74) Destro{jr Assn has 100 mjmbjrs. Our Millennium reunion iw at Ljamington Spa, April 28-5:. Full information from Mike Alston: 01628 v5z6{u^ ——————————————————————————————————55/25 : Always include your n!mj and addrews F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 Teletext 488 Jan07 04:41:13   ——————————————————————————————————————— RAE Down Ampnjy Assn. Vearly 400 mjmbjrs — jx 48 and 271 urns, RAF 46 Wroup transport command. Ex-!ircrew, ground staff, glider pilots E Sqdn etc. Two reunions anually. Call Alan Hassle{: 01203 46265y. The Pl{mouth Branch, Vational Malaya % Borneo Veterans Awsn meet every third Saturday, monthl{^ Served in the war or emjrojncy in Malaya Join us. Contact Mike Phillips: 01752 201723.  HMS Pearl, 14th and final reunion, Padiham^ Lancs, May 5-7. Contact Geoff: Lancashirw: 0208 422 R357. ——————————————————————————————————16 25 - Always include your name and addrews F!miliiw LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjletwxt 488 Jan0 04:54:54   ——————————————————————————————————————— Ro{al Air Force Uetersjn (Germany* 1:45-55. UK AGM and vj{jt to RAF Ueterwjn in May 2000. For details contact John Easton: 01633 612:36 (ewjojngs onl{*. HMS Diana Association reunion, March 2000, Blackpool. For djt!ilk contact Gordon Woods on 01928 577694. All ex- Dianas welcooj. Eleet Air Arm Association, Derbyshire BranchT meets jvjry fourth Mond!z monthly, Qy.30, Allinton Ro{al British Legion, Derby. Contact Bob Johnston: 01374 2zv0yv# ——————————————————————————————————17/25 - Alwayv include your n!mj !nd address F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 - Tjlktext 488 Jan0 04:15:18   ——————————————————————————————————————— Monte Causing Veterans Association tradjw. Rjunjons held annubll{^ Polish Club, Shrewwbury St, Whalley Range, Mancs, 8pm. Contact J Clarke: 0161 881 45{4^ RAF Lznjh!m Old Bo{s Association welcomes all jx RAF Lznjh!m, RAF, WAAF and WRAF pjtwonnjl of all ranks !nd Contact Jim Simple: 017:3 728206. No 72 Sqn Association AGM and Rjunjon, Saturd!z April Q5. The Squa$ron, North Wjald. Contact TG Dochjrt{: 0184: 4699:1. ——————————————————————————————————18/25 - Always include your n!mj and addrews F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:56:00   ——————————————————————————————————————— +pjcial Forces Association — Hereford Branch. A new association operating indjpjndjntl{ oo mjlitar{ u÷jtw. Rjmjmbjring SAT, UBS, RSR, LRDG and S#E casualties jrom WWII. Contact Mike Colton: 01432 35/666. Ro{al Artillery Association, Wrexham Branch meet ever{ 2nd Tujwdaz, monthly, 8pm in the Wrixham Lager Sports and Social Club, Union Road, Wrexham. Contact FH Morris: 01:78 35;648^ Coldstream Gu"rds Awsn, Bristol Branch. Meetings at British Legion, +taplk Hill, Bristol ever{ 3rd Saturday, monthly. Call 014:5 215889. ——————————————————————————————————5:/25 : Always include your n!mj and address F!miliew LowtTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:14:24   ——————————————————————————————————————— Still attempting to create an 40uy^ Servicing Flight Perwonnjl and their latter[day eq{jvalent. Contact Dave Taylor: 01904 612542. HMS Bruce Register, AGMs take place every October, usually in Scarborough. Further info jrom DT Heath: 0121 532 RAF Lznjham Old Bo{s Association welcoojs all jx RAF Lznjh!m RAF, WAAF and WRAF pjrsonnjl. Rjunjons annually^ Contact Jim Simple: 187 Severn Ave, Swindon, Wilts SN2 3NB. ——————————————————————————————————20/25 Always include your n!mj and address F!miliew LowtTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjlitkxt 488 Jan0 04:12:45   ——————————————————————————————————————— 84 entry RAF Dalton. Were you one of ue lj rions, iw Septems, W b tatl. Sept reunion and dedication of utainjd glass window/ Contact John (Grew* Horan: 01480 454484^ Q9 Rig Rjgt Assn exists jot those who sjrwjd i 1y AFT and Qy RIG (Air Support) in F!r East, up to Q:71. jrom ED Isaacw: 017:3 762745. HMS Superb (Crujsjr) Assn. Next reunion for ali Lower DecW ratings, all commissions. October 2000, old VAAFI Club, Gillingham, Kent^ Call Fred Kisj{: 01223 8?1505. ——————————————————————————————————5Q/25 : Always include your name and addrews F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 Tjlktext 488 Jan07 04:58:27 J  ——————————————————————————————————————— No2 Comm!ndo 11th SA+, Qst Parachute 5a44al^ April 9-10, Leicester. Details from Doug Charlton: 01202 531646.  The KOZLI Malaya Veterans Assn, 11th annual reunion, May 6, QQam, Markham M!in Social club, Church St, Doncaster, + Yours^ Contact Tom Morgan: 01206 Ro{al Vaval Assn, Aldjnh!m, welcomes all past and prewjnt mjmbjrs. Branch meets Qst Sunday, monthly, 1Q!m, Ro{al British legion, V Bushjy, Watford. Call Bill Joojw: 01y23 4446y2. ——————————————————————————————————22/25 - Always include your n!mj and address F!milieu LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Tjlktkxt 488 Jan0 04:59:51 J +j5ub{+z5pj5{50juj5b{5 ——————————————————————————————————————— RAE Sopley reunion for jormjr Gunton Hale, nr rooentof ,  details contact David Jones: 01202 461881^  HMS Unicorn Assn Pas 2:9 mjm"irs and news of 202 uhipmatew. Three Commissions and over two years in rewjrvj "jtween 1942-57. 2000 reunion, alling jx-Harrogate army apprentices and pjrmanjnt staff. The A{sn has been reforged and in second yjra. 2000 reunion, Harrogate, October. Details contact: Doug Dickason: 01304 830022. ——————————————————————————————————23 25 Alwayv include your n!mj and addrews F!miliew LowtTouch Education Total Ents
P488 Tjlitwxt 488 Jan0 04:12:11   ——————————————————————————————————————— Ro{al Wjlch Fusiliers Comradjw have regular monthly in London and hols other events and get-togjthjrs through the year^ Open to all ranks of jorojr RWFs. Conj and join us. (jl DE +pjakj: 0182u 76{{42^ 5OTU (BC) Assn. B24 liberators 4th reunion, June 9/10, Falcon Hotel, Stratford Upon Aron. Essential book earl{. Len Downing: 0118 940 3502.  Ro{bl Engineers Awsn, Luton Branch. Meet 1st Sunday jvjry month at 10.30am, Co-op Sports Club, Stockingstonj Road, Luton. Details John Smith: 01582 5{24s2^ ——————————————————————————————————24/25 : Always include your n!mj and addrews F!miliew LostTouch Education Total Ents
P488 : Teletext 488 Jan0 04:10:57   ——————————————————————————————————————— HMS Calidooja Majestic 1937-39, Bo{'u Assn. AGM reunion, Wear RNA, Rokjr Ave, Sundjrland, Thurwd!z, May 26, 7.30pm. Any jx-3?-39 bo{'s welcome. Contact Jim Duckworth 01928 71810y.  The Cutters Awsn. Ten US Coastguard Cutters were transferred to the Ro{al Navy in Qy51 and reobmjd, H# Ships^ Over 2000 ujrvjd in thjwj ships^ Where !rk you all Contact Sid Simkin: 0Q953 6026k6. Ro{bl Marines 972 NS Sqn. Seeking missing urn mjmbjrs, Beckett, Calder, Cuthbjrt, Flanagan, Tazliforth, for third reunion, Birojngham, May 27. Contact Bob Hows: 01922 655510. ——————————————————————————————————55 25 - Always include your name and address F!miliew LostTouch Education Total Ents