P524 Teletext 524 Jan07 04:57:54   VEWS  FILE ———————————  ———————————————————————— BIOTRACE TEAMS UP WITH KONICA Microbiological testing group Biottace International is teaming up with Uonica oo Japb÷^ Within the next month, Biotrace is planning to launch a major new product. It plans to unveil Pro-sect, a new and sophisticated hygiene testing system. It u!id Pro-sect'u "ig advantage was that non-technically trained staff could tell the hygiene status of utensils and jood preparation surfaces. ——————————————————————————————————————— Einancial hjadlinjw 500 City index 501 : NEWS, ANALYSIS AND THE LATEST RUMOURS : LIVE FROM WALL STREET!!! GO TO p510 Vext Sharew City Family Finance