P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:54:55 ]  Variable ] R Rates ————————————   ———————————————— Ljdir Rate LTV Tjliphoj Halifax 7^24* :5% 0800 20304: @""jy National 7.24% :5% 0800 555100 Cowjntry 7^20% :5% 0800 126125 Principalit{ 6.90% :5% 0800 454478 Postman 6.9:% :5% 0800 731:136 Vewcastli 6.95% :5% 0845 6064488 National CWtiew 6.95% :0% 01372 744155 Nationwide 6.70% :0% 0800 302010 Yorkshirk 6.70% 95% 0845 1200100 Ego v^0{% y0% 084u 60005z0 ——————————————————————————————————1?15— Source: London & Country : NOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TJTETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Tjlitkxt 545 Jan07 04:04:11 ]  Eixed Rate ]  Selection ————————————  ^ ———————————————— Rate & Term LTV RPL Fee 2.95% - 1 year y0% 3 yrs £2:5 Stroud & Swindon (0800 3?1824) 5.?5% - 30?1Q/01 :5% 1Q/01 £245 Derbzshire (01332 334455) 5.99% - 5 yrs y0% 5 yrs £2:5 Market Harborough (01858 463244) 6.5:% - 2X/02/05 :0% 02/05 £2:5 Newcastle (0845 6064488) 6.44% - 01/03/10 :5% 10 yrs £2:9 Birojngham Midshires (01y02 302000) ——————————————————————————————————u/15— Source: London & Country ] NEED TAX ADVICE uji p5Q5
P545 : Teletext 545 Jan0 04:57:41 ]  Discount ] Q Rates ———————————— ^ ^ ———————————————— Diwcount Pazbbli Max RPL Fee & Term Rate ow LTV 5.34% 1.95% :5% 4yrs £1:5 1 year Lambjth (0800 225221) 4.35% 2^95% :5% 5 yrs £2:5 2 yjarw carborough (0990 Q3314:) 3% s.u0% y0% 1Q/02 £2:5 6 months Newcastle (0845 6064488) 3.60% 3.59% 75% 5 yrw £1:5 2 years Lambjth (0800 22522Q) Discounts with extended redemption term ——————————————————————————————————3/Q5— Source: London & Country - Looking for a great mortgage dial? : See p675 Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:57:58 ]  Di{count :  Rates ————————————  ^ ———————————————— Diwcount Pazbbli Max RPL Fee & Term Rate Vow LTV 1.90% 4.99% :5% Vonj £300 01/02/01 Postman (0800 731:136) 2.25% 4.99% 95% None Vonj 31/01/02 Halifax (0800 20304:) 2^00% u^24* 95% QQ/02 £2:y 01/12/02 Bristol & West (0845 5008000) 1.70% 5.50% 95% 5 yrs £2:5 5 years Scarborough (0990 Q33149) Discount without long redemption term ——————————————————————————————————4?15— Source: London * Country : ANY PURPOSE LOANS - SEE p627 OR CALK WJLMSLOW FREE ON 0800 269315 Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:54:54 ]  Capped ]  Rates ————————————   ———————————————— Capped Rate Variable Max RPL Fee & (jrm Rate Vow LTV 5.{{% 7^24* :5% 1Q/01 £2:y 01/12/01 Bristol * Wjwt (0845 3008000) 6.3{% 7^24* :5% 0u/02 £280 01/02/02 Bank of Ireland (0800 109010) 6.39% 6.70% :5% 3 yrs £2:5 Yorkshirk B/Soc. (0845 1200100) 6.4:% 7^24% :5% 5 yrs £2:9 01/03/05 BWham Midshires (01902 302000) Cap stipulates maximum rate over term ——————————————————————————————————5/15— So{rce: London & Country INSHORE FORECAST IS VOW ON pQ58
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:58:52 ]  Eirst Time :  Eixed Rate ————————————/,.+ ^ ———————————————— Fixed Rate Variable Max RPL Fee & Term Rate Vow LTV 2.95% 7^20% 90% 3 yrs £295 1 year Stroud & Swindon (0800 371824) 5.?5% v.{5% :5% 1Q/01 £245 30/1Q/01 Derbzshiri (01332 334455) 6.5:% 6.95% :0% 03/05 £2:5 01/03/05 Newcastle (0845 6064488) 6.69% 7.24* :0% 12/02 None 31/12/02 Halifax (0800 20304:) Loans are jixid jot incentive term ——————————————————————————————————6/15— Source: London & Country BUSINESS BRIEFING ON OUR WEB SITE - GO TO: www.teletext.co.uk Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:58:15 ] Advert ] MORTGAGES >>> ] 7/15 : Great Mortgage deals with no tie-Ins : 4^{{% 5.4* APR ] : Diwcount of 2.25% off our standard - vbriabli rate jot 2 years. - Absolutel{ no tie-Ins during or ] after the diwcount period. : No rep!ymjnt or arrangement jeew^ ] See page 675 for more information / W £cwwspcws3£ / HALIFAX :/ W prwsr£sssrp :/ /,,,,$ (,,,, >>> Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Teletext 545 Jan0 04:57:55 ]  Eirst Time ] Q Eixed Rate ————————————/,.+ ^ ———————————————— Fixed Rate Variable Max RPL Fee & Term Rate Vow LTV 2.95% 7.20% :0% 3 yrs £295 1 year Stroud & Swindon (0800 371824) 5.?5% 6.{5% :5% 1Q/01 £245 30/11/01 Derbzshirk (01332 334455) 5.99% 6.99% :0% 5 yrs £2:5 5 yrs Market Harborough (01858 463244) 6.55% 6^95% y0% 1Q/02 £2:5 50/QQ/02 Vewcastle (0845 6064488) Loans are jixed for incentive term ——————————————————————————————————y?15— Source: London & Country INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:57:04 ]  Eirst (imj ] Q Discounts ————————————/,.+ ^ ———————————————— Diwcount Pazbbli Max RPL Fee & Term Rate Vow LTV 1.90% 4.99% :5% None £300 01/02/01 Postman (0800 731:136) 2.55% 4.99% 95% None None 31/01/02 Halifax (0800 20304:) 2^00% u^24% :5% Q1/02 £2:y 01/1R/02 Briwtol & West (0845 3008000) 1.35% 5.95% :5% None Vonj 31/01/04 Cowjntr{ (0800 126125) Diwcount jrom lender'w vbriable rate ——————————————————————————————————9/15— Source: London & Country : TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT p400 FULL GUIDE
P545 : Teletext 545 Jan07 04:57:52 ]  Cash"act ]  Mortgages ————————————  ^ ———————————————— Cashback % Variable Max RPL Fee & Maximum Rate LTV 7% £Q7,500 7.5:% :0% 5yrs £595 Northern Rock (0845 6050500) 6% None 6.9:% 80% 5yrs £250 Hensley & Rugby (0800 7744:9) 6% None 6 35% :0% 03/05 Vonj Staffordshirk (0800 21612Q) 5% None 6.1:% 85% 5yrs £295 West Bromwich (0121 5806404) ——————————————————————————————————10/15 Source: London & Country TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT p400 FULL GUIDE
P545 Tjletkxt 545 Jan07 04:12:18 ]  Elexibli ]  Mortgages ————————————/,.+ ^ ———————————————— Rate Tzpj LTV RPL Fee & Tjr 4.95% jot 1.?5% diwc 90% 5yrs - 6 mths Direct Line (0181 64:9099) 5.46% jot 0.9:% diwc 90% 1yr - 6 mths Standard Life (0845 8458451) 6.09% Variable 95% None - Egg (0845 60005:0) diwc = diwcount on variable rate ——————————————————————————————————5Q?1u Source: London & Country INSHORE FORECAST IS VOW ON pQ58
P545 : Teletext 545 Jan07 04:12:18 ]  Cost of ]  Borrowing ————————————   ———————————————— Monthly payments per £1,000 borrowed Rate Rjpazmjnt Interest-Only Vet Gross Vet Gross 3#{% £4^y £u?0v £2^v2 £2.y2 £u 11 £ £ £ 4.5% £u#;6 £u^v2 £3#38 £3#?5 5% £u^v2 £u#{1 £3#?5 £4.17 u#5% £u?z8 £v#51 £4.12 £4^58 6% £v.1u £v.u2 £4.u0 £5 v?5% £v?4s £v?y3 £4^y7 £u^42 7* £v#?1 £7^15 £5^55 £u^y3 7.5% £v?{y £7^48 £u^63 £v.55 Net= with Miras ——————————————————————————————————12?15 Source: London & Country : TELETEXT NATIONAL AND REGIONAL NEWS : PAGES ALT AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:11:52 ]  Key to ] Q terms ————————————  ^ ———————————————— Rate Current variable rate charged "z lindjr. Deals rewjrt to variable tate after incentive term ends. LTV Loan-To-Value: maximum mortgage as a pjrcentagj of property value. RPL Redemption Period Lasts: borrowers are liable to bj pjnaliwjd if the loan is partly or fully redeemed during thew period. Eje Arrangement fee charged "z lindjr. ——————————————————————————————————13/15 Source: London & Country O TATJST SHAKE PRICES p510 Savings Borrowing Property City
P545 Teletext 545 Jan07 04:01:51 ]  House ] Q Prices ————————————/,.+ # ———————————————— H#USE PRICE INDEX Month Index Nth/Chm Yr/Chm Av.Price Jan:y 237^6r +0.5*r +4^4* £73,406 Feb:y 23v^5r -0^6%r +7^6% £72,:{1 Mar{y 23y^0 W1^5* W4^4* £73,856 Apr{y 23y^vr W0^5* +7.?* £74,031r May:y 244^4r W2^0%r +5.?* £75,551r Ju÷:y 248^u W1.?* Wv^6% £7v]786 Jul{y 257#7 W2.1* W8^5* £78,401 Aug:y 25v.3 +1^0%r +9.4% £7:-1X3 Seq:y 2uv^2 -0^0%r W8^9* £7z-182 Oct{y 267^4r W2^y* +10^9* £81,3?5 Nov:y 267.2 -0.5% +10.7 £81,002 Dec{y 26y.0 W2^6% +13.6% £83,108 ——————————————————————————————————14?15 Supplied bz Halifax - updated monthly : WHAT'S ON AT YOUR LOCAL CINEMA p410
P545 : Teletext 545 Jan07 04:55:31 ]  Mortgage of ]  the week ————————————  ^ ———————————————— NEWCASTLE BUILDING SOCIETY 5-YEAR FIX Fix until 28/02/2005 LTV 90% Payable rate 6.5:% Fee £2:5 Av!ilable jrom Vewcastle Building Society is a jix d rat of 6.59% until Ejbrubry 28, 2005. Avbilable on loans up to 90% of the property value, a jee of £2:5 iw payable. Redemption penalties apply only during the jixid rate period. Borrowers can rep!z 10% of the capital outstanding each year without pjnalt{. Vewcastle 0845 6064488 ——————————————————————————————————55?15 bz Lodon * Co{ntr{ : CJTZ NWWS HKAD-INCS Pu00