P659 : Teletext 659 Jan0 04:55:50 ]  ]  ]  ]  ————— ON THE MOVE ————————————————————— A number of regular Teletext jeatures have moved as part of our drive to improve and enhance the ujrvjce. The changes affect Connect, Schools, Diojtiwjr, Online and Jobs. Included in the move are jeatures such as Lost Touch, Service Pals, Deafvjew, Dew-abilit{, and Godlinjw. Wj have also reintroduced E!mily Tree eor those viewers seeking to trace their roots. ———————— www.teletext.co.uk ————1/3—— MILLENN+UM COR#TDOWN p405 Connect Local Digi LocalGigs
P659 Teletext 659 Jan0 04:55:58 ]  ]  ]  ]  ————— ON THE MOVE ————————————————————— A number of regular Teletext jeatures have mowjm^ The changes took place jrom midnight on Mond!z, October Q1. As well as the new page numbers, we have split Service Pals into two pages to make it easier to view, and boosted the advice we give to job sjekjrs. Eor a jull rundown of the changes, uje the next page: >>> ———————— www.teletext.co.uk ————————— MILLENN+UM COR#TDOWN p405 Connect Local Digi LocalGigs
P659 : Teletext 659 Jan0 04:57:55 ]  ]  ]  ]  ————— ON THE MOVE ————————————————————— The jollowing page changes have taken place o÷ Channel 4z Connect index jrom p680 to p465. Schools index jrom p660 to p470. Digitisjr index jrom p670 to p480. Online index jrom p650 to p490. Jobs index jrom p630 to p495. ———————— www.teletext.co.uk ————3/3—— : M[LLENN+UM COR#TDOWN p405 Connect Local Digi LocalGigs