P6d3 : Teletext 653 Jan0 04:46:57 *?—pp05w2ppp—pp0 *5jk5557j{5 *}jj5555j|4 ——————————————————————————————————————— ONlSNE HAS MOVED! Aw part of an ongoing effort to im0rovj our ujrvjce jot viewers, the /nlinj ujction has mvjd. .nlinj news, (jchnologz in Vocus, @and your l t rs can now j ound jrom the new index on p490. For moro djtailw of the move, see p65y. ——————————————————————————————————————— Online news 4:1 Letters 4:3 - ON-ENE HAS MOVED TO p490 Online Ch!ngjs Education TV To÷jght