P118 Teletext 118 Jan12 22:48:25     ———————— by Julia Davis —————————  HERCULES STAR IN NEW SPACE SHOW   Hunky Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo has been cast as the lead in a new TV show based on an idea by the late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. Sorbo will play starship captain Dylan Hunt in Andromeda which has been commissioned for 44 episodes in the US. Other roles are yet to be cast, like key character, Beta — the female captain of a derelict space freighter Eureka Mans. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————1/2—— TV Plus C4 index 110 Sci-Files 117 FUN AND GAMES INDEX p150 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema
P118 Teletext 118 Jan12 22:44:32     —————————————————————————————————  HERCULES STAR IN NEW SPACE SHOW   The upcoming sci-fi series Andromeda, filmed in Canada, is produced by Majel Roddenberry — widow of Gene who created Star Trek. She says it's a departure from her other projects including Earth: Final Conflict: "It's ER-style: fast, rapid, everything going on at once." Andromeda is about a spaceship which gets caught in a black hole and is rescued 300 years later, leaving the captain to try and unravel his past. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————2/2—— TV Plus C4 index 110 Sci-Files 117 MUSIC NEWS IN PLANET SOUND p450 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema