P149 Teletext 149 Jan12 22:44:42         ———————————— SECONDARY ——————  ———— WRITE IT COMPETITION 11-16s Write us a masterpiece to fit this page — around 70 words or so. The topic: WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? £10 book token each week for the winner and a £20 book token for your school. Send essays (with name, age and school) to: WRITE IT COMPETITION (Secondary), PO Box 297, London SW6 1XT. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— It's mean on the Zine 142 FULL GUIDE TO NATIONAL EVENTS p441 Fun&Games Chess Goss Digi
P149 Teletext 149 Jan12 22:41:11         ———————————— SECONDARY ——————  MILLENNIUM... by Karen, Timpetley, Cheshire. 1999-2000 is not just an ordinary new year, it is also a new century and Millennium. The dictionary only says "thousand years" about the Millennium, but it's not just that. It is a chance to make a fresh start, turn over a new leaf and make the world we live in happier and more peaceful. We will only ever live one Millennium — might as well make the most of it. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— 'Zine Life 142 PLANET SOUND p450 Fun&Games Chess Goss Digi