P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:41:33   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB We'vj all had brainwaves about business ventures that will turn us into millionaires — whether it's turning a hobby into something more, or capitalising on an area of expertise. Some take these dreams a step furthjt, they visit the local bank manager and set out on the rocky road to setting up a small business. As many find, it aim't easy — but some are turning to the Net as a cheap and convenient way to boost their business. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— by Tina Lofthousj IT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING - p631 Debate News Keyboard Green
P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:44:57   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB Many small businesses are catching on that the Internet is a vital tool for their ventures — it's cheap and can provide access to a worldwide market. Sally Robinson is the wife of a farmer and to supplement their income, she has launched a mail order company and Web site that sells lingerie. "We set up the site in mid-November and we'vj had 200,000 hits from all over the world," she says. "We're now looking at exporting." ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— Site: www.bras-online.co.uk PLANET SOUND HAS MOVED TO 450 Debate News Keyboard Green
P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:44:58   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB A farmer's wife from Helmsley, North Yorkshire, has found the Internet a great outlet for a new business. "There was not enough income coming in from the farm," says Sally Robinson, "I thought about making chutney!" However, her interest in computers prompted a better idea — an online lingjtie firm. Ample Bosom was founded with the help of a farm diversification grant and has already attracted over 2,000 sales. ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Latest News 491 IT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING p631 Debate News Keyboard Green
P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:47:38   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB An online site for her bed and breakfast service spurred Sally Robinson, 42, to create her own online lingerie business. The site sells everything from suspenders to thongs as well as bras, sizes A to J. "It's aimed at women who run families and work and are too busy to shop — online shopping is so fast." Sally still has to help on the family farm but says of her Net venture: "If it interests you, you must do it." ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Your letters 493 IT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING p631 Debate News Keyboard Green
P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:48:22   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB Many small businesses are realising the benefits that the Internet has to offer them, such as customers around the world and access to niche markets. Some have found that their largest market is in the US. Exclusive ceramics company Hazle found the Net ideal for reaching such customers. "A small business like this can't even hope to be able to afford to reach around the world using fax or direct mail," explains founder Hazle Boyles. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Site: www.hazle.com IT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING p631 Debate News Keyboard Green
P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:48:12   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB Building an online shop is the way to go according to many small businesses. Jane Selmes from Oxfordshire had a brainwave for a business venture which was inspired by a gift idea for her grandchildren — a reusable advent calendar with 24 pouches on a string. She was unable to source any in the UK and so set about making them herself. People loved them — but she had no time to make them all. She found a source in India and then set up online. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Site: www.adventcalendars.co.uk IT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING p631 Debate News Keyboard Green
P492 Teletext 492 Jan12 22:48:43   Technology in focus  ———————  ——————— BUSINESSES NET POWER OF THE WEB Radgie Gadgie could become a household name if a new microbrewery's Internet venture is a hit. The curious name is that of an award- winning ale created by Newcastle brewery Morduj — which originally started as a hobby. The beers won a cult following in the US and the founders decided the Web would be the best way to serve them. Using a service from IBM, they set up a secure trading site. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Advice: www.ibm.com/businesscentre/uk IT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING p631 Debate News Keyboard Green