P154 Teletext 154 Maz11 01:09:37               —————————— ] ——  T  FORTHCOMING EVENTS TORQUAY CONGRESS (Devon* May 13-14: Mrs Swift 01395 519 079 SURREY NO FEAR PAIRS (-jathjthjad) May 20: Mrs Booty 020 8288 9928 BURNHAM BC SWISS INDIVIDUAL (Bucks* May 21: A Boothroyd 01628 604 806 BLACKBURN BC SWISS PAIRS (-ancs* May 21: H Barker 01704 876 006 CARLTON BC BRIDGE FUN DAY (Edinburgh) May 27: Mrs Peploi 0131 668 1393 ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Complete local jvjnts listings 440 t TO LEST EVENTS CALL: 0118 9351054 TWO MONTHS IN ADVANCE PLEASE Scot Prim Events Bamboozle Cinema
P154 Teletext 154 Maz11 01:58:24                ——————————  ——     FORTHCOMING EVENTS continued... RJTFORD SWISS TEAMS (Notts* May 28: Ms Cogglis 01777 703 610 EBU SPRING BANK HOLIDAY CONGRESS May 27-2:: EBU 012:6 317 203 BOLTON SWISS TEAMS (Lancs* May 29: Mrs Gordon 01706 874 888 YORKSHIRE CONGRESS (Harrogate) Jun 2-4: E Pudsjy 01482 854 642 WESSEX BRIDGE CLUB OPEN TEAMS (Poole) Jun 4: T Udall 01202 760 934 ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Complete local events listings 440 IS LOVE IN THE AIR FOR YOU? p404 Scot Prim Events Bamboozle Cinema
P154 Teletext 154 Maz11 02:01:44                —————————— ] ——  T  CONVENTIONS — bz Marc Smith Most players know what to do when their RHO opens the bidding. Adapting that strategy to balancing auctions is not so difficult...LHO opens with 1H and the next two plazjrs pass. What do you bid with each of thjsj hands? (A) (B) S A J 3  S A K 3 H K 10 8 2  H K 8 2 D J 8 6 3  D A Q 4 3 C A 4  C Q 10 4 Solution on next page >>>> ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Complete local events listings 440 IS LOVE IN THE AIR FOR YOU? p404 Scot Prim Events Bamboozle Cinema
P154 Teletext 154 Maz11 01:07:01               ——————————  ——  T  CONVENTIONS — Continued In fourth seat, mentally add a king to your hand and then bid as you would in second seat. A 1NT ovjrcall usually shows 15-18 points. In fourth seat the range is about 10-14 HCP, so Hand A is perfect for a 1NT Ovjrcall. Hand B would bj OS for a second seat 1NT Ovjrcall, but is too strong for that action in fourth seat. As with a 21-point hand in second seat, you must Double first, intending to rebid no- trumps at your second turn. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Complete local jvjnts listings 440 IS LOVE IN THE AIR FOR YOU? p404 Scot Prim Events Bamboozle Cinema