P487 Teletext 487 Maz11 02:08:16 V  —————————————————————————————————————— Ex WAAFS from RAE Pembroke Dock, MN Olwyn Tizzard, Edith Bevan, Frankie Walton, Ann Hall, Isobjl McIlwainj, Joan Sharman, Thjloa Lewis, Pat Walsh, Tina and Annette Davies. If any of you ladies are still out thjti, call Alan 01364 66817y. ——————————————————————————————————————— The Royal British Legion helps needy ex-service people and thjit families. For information, or to join, call 0345 725725 or write to 48 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5JZ. Follow Lost Trails on http://www.britishligion.org.uk ——————————————————————————————————20/30 Non-sjtvici searches: Lost Touch 681 Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 - Teletext 487 Maz11 02:54:05 ^  ——————————————————————————————————————— Seeking land girls — Betty Garton, Betty Lee, Josie Piazza, Chris Ibbjnson (or Bunson), Iris Varnjy (MNs* Worked Cumbjtnauld Gardens, Sunbury, Middx.@Will anyone who knows them telephone 01493 731 455. Seeking John (Tug) Wilson, LKA Bannockburn, Stirling, Scotland. 1947-48 was at Camp Angus, also went to Hednjsford, Ljeming, Ljconfiel4, @@@Aden a^d KirWham. til: 01642 851 664 ri old RAF mari. Any sign of "Mick" out there? Ex-RAF Sgt Miicklijohn, that is. LSA Green Dragon, Bradford^ Ex-Kieth, Yotks and ix-Romford, Essex. Tel: 01708 376688. ——————————————————————————————————1O30— Non-sjrvjce sjarchjs: Lost Touch 681 Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 Maz11 01:14:51   —————————————————————————————————————— Joan Veronica Nolan WRAF telephonist, Ex-R@F Collaton Cross 1953 and RAF Change 1954-55. LKA Balls Rd, Birkjnhjad. In touch with Rusty and Pat. Please call Peggy 02392 815309. White are you Gunners Bees, Cockjt, Spragg, Stunning and othjts from F Troop, 81 Battery, 5th Field Rjgt RA who remjmbjr Lippizano (Trieste) in 1946? Tel John Hicks 01376 343211. RAE Butterworth Control Tower. Details of the rear are still njedjd. All photographs taken great care of and returned. Duncan "Spike" Gray, 72 Pontac Rd, New Marskj, Cleveland, TS11 8AN. ——————————————————————————————————2/30— Submit notices on postcard or fax Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May21 01:45:51   ——————————————————————————————————————— Seeking ex-RAF WOops Uetersjn, Hambuhrin, Burtzweilirhof 1952-55. Alan Tjdmus, Alan O'Connor, Mark Vaux, Lawtinci Dean, Colin King, Danny Fagg, Shaun Crow, Mike Woodhall and Dis Park. P Stout 01642 775399. Does anzonj rimjmbjr BMH Hanovjt 1970-71? Niblitt, Greenwood R, Gaznor Boardman, Elaine, Anne Stevens, Wilcox M, June Upton, Geof Crown and others Tel Barry 01424 714048 or e- mail barry.d.johnson@btinternjt.com. 1475 Sqn ARC, Sydjnham, London, SE. circa 1941. Where are Tzlit, Paul, Godfrey, Burman, Brant, Wells and Jackman etc? Tel 01487 832620. ——————————————————————————————————23O30 Always include your name and address Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May21 02:11:24   —————————————————————————————————————— Seeking John Cole (SouthjndT and Frank Pearci (oottingham*. Served togjthjt in Royal Navy 1943-1945 HMS @ Odzvsjy Naval party 1740 — D-Day to demob 1946. Tel Harry 01986 893090. RAF Uxbridgj, Feb 1939 (Suzla) Setvjce@No's 634? Room mates include Riley, Barker, Lanchjstet, Butler, Preston, Simms, Hogarth, Harris. Write: F Wjckins, 41 Tjnsley Lane, Crawley, W Sussex, RH10 2AW.  Seikjng Jock McDonald (Dundee) who sjtvjd in Egypt (Tel jl Kebir) in J Troop Royal Signals 1952-1954^ Tel: Danny Baxter on 01942 254381 or at 1 Blissford Cl, Hindliy, Wjgan WN2 3JT. ——————————————————————————————————4O30— Non-sjtvjce searches: Lost Touch 681 Pals4 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 Maz21 01:01:10   ——————————————————————————————————————— 33rd Bun RAPC 1948-50 Piddlehinton Camp, Dorchjstit, Dorset. Seeking Ian Robertson (Kirkaldy* and Norman Scott (HexhamR. Ring Jack Natttass on 01207 507737 ^ Seeking pals from RAMC BMH Isjrlohn 1956-58. Geoff Crow (Salford); Ron Kirkham (SloughI; and Reg (Taffy) Berry (Newport). Please contact Tommy (Scousj) Gibbons 01744 20413. Tony Ljvz would like to contact his old mates from Radio Troop 10 Rig Rjgt 1973-76, Hopefully for a meet up^ All ranks contact mj on 01902 7sv433. ——————————————————————————————————26/30 Non-sjrvici sjarchju: Lost Touch 681 Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May11 01:12:27   —————————————————————————————————————— Calling Jim Wilson — RAPC Devises and Canal Zone 1951-53. Also Ray Harlow RAF Cyprus 1953. John Morris 01483 561622, would like to hear from you. Royal Signals, Langjlebjn, Gjtmanz. Seeking all who sjrvjd there, for a reunion, esp. Lees (Oldham), Cassjldinj (Catford), Nicholls (Ljytonstonj), Page (Hastings* Robinson (Sheffield) Doody (B'ham*. Tel John Kant 01323 893937. J (Side Rj}jgh) BTZ, ix-mjmbjrs 1:60- 80. Conj and join us in Novjmbjr. Forty ex-mjmbjts already inc^ C and D Buys. Rod Walkjt 01606 853943. ——————————————————————————————————6/30— Keep your message short: 30 words max Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 Maz11 01:01:43   ——————————————————————————————————————— Station workshops RENE Episkopi, Cyprus. 1957-1959. Where are you — ChadwicW, Wilton, Vokjs, McBean, etc? Rjmjmbjr Brian Hibbjrd? If so and fancy a chat, tel 01246 234043. Seeking info on Lt Cdt John Moore RNV FAA Wrst country author. Sqns 780, 750, 751, 749 (OOC) HMS Caradoc 1941 Admiralty — Mulberry project 1943-1944. 01905 453738. Ex-Cranwell Apps 1945/46/47 entry. White are you Ken Foster and Jack (Blondie) Robbins? Any news from any source would bj welcome. Call Ray 01271 37864v. ——————————————————————————————————27O30 One submission only pet month, please Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May11 01:04:14   ——————————————————————————————————————— Still trying to contact any mrmbjts of HMS Wild Goose who remember mj 1:51-53. Commission Pe{sean Gulf. John Dooley on 01293 524051. Last call for mjmbjrs of 102 LAA Reg esp 337 Battery, CUM Jones, Gnus Scully, Green, Dashwood, Harris CFN Lees, CFN Leach and many more. Ring jx-BDRE Taylor 01724 336061. RAE Compton Bassist 1951-52 Sandy Green: Please phone Tony 0208 866 0773 again. ——————————————————————————————————28/30 Keep your message short: 30 words max Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 Maz11 01:08:46   ——————————————————————————————————————— RAF Babdown FarmS (jtbury (1944) M Flight Ground Crews. Both RAF and WAAF^ Ttel Doug on 01502 517962. Crew mjmbjrs RASC Fleet 1944-47, South Shields Marine School, Rothjsay, Yarmouth, IoW, Anglesjy. Vessels: Czsnj, Les-Erises-Coqujlin, MFVs 1077-1105, Titania, Foyli and Conway. Tel Oscar 01202 480717. HMS St George Class 255V Signal Boys. Now all in our 70s. Reunions have been taking place. More required. Tom Warden 01458 210084. ——————————————————————————————————29/30 Keep your message short: 30 words max Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May21 01:13:0s   ———————— ——— —— —— Bruc , Charl s Sgt (Jock and J ll. @@ st B Somjrsj a d Cornwall ight Infantry 1960-69. Conj in out of the cold. Contact (El Sido) 01634 201707. Seeking George Erost known as Jack. Serving at HMS Ariel, Worthy Down, 1956. Transferring to Lee-on-Solint, PT inst uctor. Did an one eve work out with Jack? Contact Mike on 0 0 Seeking Geo Bambrook, ex-Royal Signals, S oul, Tor a 1 53-54, LKA L s. ng Jack W ight 01 78 754166. Always include your nam and adds ss Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Tjlitkxt 487 Maz11 01:4::14  's{5s2 o÷)ju|jws £!{5bs ——————————————————————————————————————— Harry Pitts, 2nd Bun Royal Lincolns Egypt, Palestine '45-48. Married Jean from Loughton. Your old pal Vic (Mac) would like to hear from you or anzonj relative/friend who knows him. Tel/fax 01636 89204:. Seeking Anthony Webb, a past pupil of Slim School, Camjton Highlands, Malaya. Seun 1965 at Bolkiah Cam8, Brunei, North Borneo. Was LOCpl in Air Corps, poss RENE Attached. Any info call Adrian Moody 01772 687011. Would like to contact anyone who knows Cay Williams. He was based at RAE Stafford 1:72L now 53. Contact dhchjekz@aol.com, 0151 423 4086. ——————————————————————————————————22O30 One submission only pet month, please Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May11 02:03:18  USERSW  GUIDE ——————————————————————————————————————— Krup your mrssagi short, 30 words max Use a postcard. Write clearly or (preferably* type. Include your own name and address. One submission pet pjtson pet month. Personal notices are given priority over those from associations. Write to: Service Pals, Teletext, PO Box 2:7, London SW6 1XT. ——————————————————————————————————————— Have you found a long-lost friend with Setvjci Pals? Let us know. Please write to Gail Gillogaliy at above addres30/30 ——————————————————————————————————————— Pals4 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 Maz11 01:10:54   —————————————————————————————————————— Seeking George C Merry. Air Gunner 24 Sqn, SAAF Italy 1944-45. LKA Hobart Rd, Worcester Pk, Surrey 1947. Any info to: Bert Briscoi 01904 708398? Bruce (Barney) Quarman. Like to know how you are faring 45 years on. Please phone D Ford 01273 889768. Lats RAF SW and Middlu Easy. 27 Fld Eng Rjgt RE, 25 Field Sqd, Mindjn, 1954-56. Seeking Bob Waugh, Hull, Frank Atkinson, RAPC Goldthorpj, Ron Rose, Bromley? Bruce Lochtie (HQ Troop's budding opjta sjngjr) and any mates who knew mj. Call Derek Lambert on 01636 674417. ———————————————————p—————p—pp—pp——Y/3Xp : Submit notices on postcard or fax Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 Maz21 01:50:0/   ——————————————————————————————————————— Jim Massey would like to hear from Pete Thrilkjld, who sjtvjd with the RIME at RAF Eastliigh, Nairobi, Kenya, 1954. LKA Powell Ave, Blackpool. Please tel 0161 368 9718. Any mjmbjrs who sjrvjd with the @following — 16 Coy, 547 Coy and 739 Coy. Please phone Dave 01723 352437 (evenings*. Malayan Scouts Signal (roop 1950. Johore, Duran Tua, Change. Are thjte any of you left out thjte? Langfield, Moore, Thorpe, Robson, Spjets, Fox and othjts. Bruce (Kelly* Gillingham 01704 224725. ——————————————————————————————————24/30 Submit notices on postcard or fax Pals4 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May11 01:44:32   ——————————————————————————————————————— Seeking John Riley whose fathjt Maj George Riley sjtvjd with 6th Bum Malay Rot 1950/60s. Mother Thelma, sister Barbara, ex] Paisley. Rj school reunion. Tel 01453 545771. Seeking Ken Nickolson (NickI Ex-AB on HMS Rjdpole, March 1949-Aug 1950. SRO/Mich John (Eked) Marlow would like to see you again before it'u too late. Also othjt crew. 0115 940 3373. HMS Trodday, HMS Orsay, Day Layjts, attached 10th NSF during minjsweepink ops, Honk Kong, Japan, Borneo 1946. Search for exMctiw bz Sub Lt I Gosling RNR, contact 0152* 210476. ——————————————————————————————————51O30 Always include your name and address Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Teletext 487 May11 01:50:39   ——————————————————————————————————————— Seeking lads jrom billets 21 and 19, IEQ wing RAF Kasfareet, Egypt 1:52- 54. Some have been found. Contact 01633 67s?17. Home Postal Dip#t Royal Engineers. Anzonj watching who did N/S in this unit 1954-1956? Inglis Barracks, East Acton or Knightsbridgj. I did 23086911 SPR Mills. Contact on 01952 240451 or eadonmills@unisonfrei.net. Seeking Gordon Alexander. Fochabjrs/ Elgin, Jim Smith, Paisley^ Jock Kirk, Glawgow. Stationed RENE HQ, Bad Ojynhausjn 19)6-49. Contact Alex 0151 63y 340s. ——————————————————————————————————25/30 Non-sjrvjce sjarchjs: Lost Touch 681 Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents
P487 Tjletuxt 487 Maz11 01:15:55   ——————————————————————————————————————— Seeking anyone who was in Transit Camp Pusan 1953-54. Especially anyone who plazjd in BCFK Football tram in Pusan. Please contact G Higgott on 01:02 659y6y. Seeking ex]perm staff AEM 1949-51 esp inmates hut W3 for possible reunion — am in touch with Cpl Paddy Kane and have group photo. Please write D Harrison, 1 Lawrence Dr, Brinkley, Nottingham, NG16 JAR. To Ex-Sergeant Wesley Newell. RAPC Egypt 1947-48. If you are still out there, pleavj give Bill a ring om 01744 739377. ——————————————————————————————————5/30— Non-service sjarchjs: Lost Touch 681 Pals2 LostTouch Education Total Ents