P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:11:47    UU      ———————————————————————————   OLD HEARING AIDS NEEDED Leeds Co-op Funeral Service and charity Sound Seekers are collecting unwanted hearing aids for use by children in developing countries. These are refurbished and sent on to youngsters with hearing loss in Ghana, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Nigeria and many other placew. For info on your nearest Leeds Co-op Funeral Home - collecting aids - visit leeds.coop or call 0113 270 1212 (tel). ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— Deafview - Fax 020 7296 8021 SAVE £££'S ON CYPRUS DEALS VISIT SKY 665 FOR DEALS FROM £149 Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays
P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:21:12    UU      ———————————————————————————   TRAINING BOOST FOR EAST LONDON RNID has been awarded a donation of £12,500 from the Jack Petchey Foundation towards its Employment, Training And Skills Service. This grant will enable RNID to continue to provide specialist support for deaf and hard of hearing people in East London, who are struggling to find or retain employment, or need training. For more details about the ETSS, see rnid.org.uk. ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— Deafview — textphone 020 7296 8029 VENUS IN YOUR ZODIAC? LOVESTARS p348 Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays
P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:24:36    UUU      ———————————————————————————   FIRST RESEARCH MANAGER APPOINTED Defeating Deafness has appointed Dr Paula Clements to the new position of research development manager. Dr Clements previously worked at the Medical Research Council's Genome Damage and Stability Centre. The charity's chief executive Vivienne Michael said: "Paula's extensive research experience will be invaluable in helping us drive research forward^" ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Deafview — Fax 020 7296 8021 GOT A CAMERA PHONE? SEND US A WACKY PHOTO AND WIN £250!! SEE p682 Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays
P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:22:00    UU      ———————————————————————————   BOFFINS OPT FOR HAIR OF THE CRICKET Super-sensitive sound detectors used by crickets to spot predators have been recreated in the laboratory^ Some species of crickets have developed a pair of hairy appendages on their abdomen called circe, which can detect the smallest fluctuations in air currents. Dutch scientists have built a version of these and hope they will lead to new cochlear implants for deaf people. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Deafview - Fax 020 7296 8021 (EXT QUIZ ON YOUR MOBILE! see p684 Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays
P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:12:25    U      ———————————————————————————   BRIGHT IDEA TO RAISE AWARENESS Colchester United Deaf FC and Colchester YMCA Foyer have successfully launched a deaf aware wristband, selling over 1,500 to date. The wristbands, which glow in the dark and have "deaf aware" engraved on them, will raise money and awareness for the deaf community in Essex. Money raised will be split between the two organisations involved. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Deafview - Textphone 020 7296 8029     Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays
P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:14:58    UUU      ———————————————————————————   INTERNET RESEARCH PROJECT LAUNCHED Researchers at the University of Leeds have set up a new website to look at accessibility on the internet. The team wants to know what changes could be made to improve deaf and hard of hearing people's access to the internet. Their findings will be passed on to the Government, deaf organisations and policy makers. To find out more, visit www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/projects/deafweb/ ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Deafview - Fax 020 7296 8021 DRIVE A REAL BARGAIN: CARS p700 Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays
P157 Teletext 157 Jul18 23:10:13    UUUU      ———————————————————————————   MOVIE NEWS Subtitled prints of Batman Begins will be screened at: Chester Odeon — July 16. Sheffield Odeon — July 19. Hull Odeon — July 21. For more listings of subtitled movies, see www.rnid.org.uk and www.yourlocalcinema.com ——————————————————————————————————————— Editor: (im Russell, Deafview, 19-23 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8SL. Telz020 72y6 8145^ Fax: 020 7296 8021. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Our next edition starts on (uesday TV PLUS NEWS AND FEATURES p130 ITV Missing Crimestopp Community Holidays