P316 Teletext 316 Jul18 23:14:16    LETTERS ———  ———————————————————  STAR LETTER: WOTW NOT SPIELBERG'S BEST Dear Big Screen Is War Of the Worlds Spielberg's best movie? No, and there was too much blood, which itself has many killer antibodies, enough to see off the Martians before bacteria kicked in. The CGI was very good for the lightning storms and the earthquake effect of the Martian spaceships emerging. The updated story plot was silly. Why should the Martians wait until the Earth was technologically advanced to attack? ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Letter continues >>> EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF GREECE DEALS FROM £129 ON p213 NOW!! Local Local On Stage Holidays
P316 Teletext 316 Jul18 23:12:54    LETTERS ———  ———————————————————  STAR LETTER: BRAD FORM FROM PITT Dear Big Screen Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's arrogance at forbidding questions on their private lives is astonishing. you spot original WOTW actor Gene When their private lives are going swimmingly they're more than happy to be photographed and interviewed at the opening of an envelope, but once things get tricky, they're not interested. Brad and Angelina: you can't have it both ways. John Reading, Lancashire ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Big Screen index 310 GOT A CAMERA PHONE? SEND US A WACKY PHOTO AND WIN £250!! SEE p682 Local Local On Stage Holidays
P316 Teletext 316 Jul18 23:23:51    LETTERS ———  ———————————————————  ACTORS HAVE THE RIGHT TO A PRIVATE LIFE Dear Big Screen It makes me mad when the public assume they have a right to know everything about an actor's life. What business is it of ours what these people do in their own time? They have a job to do, just like the rest of us, and they get on with it. The result is usually a great couple of hours of film experience, can't we leave it at that Clare Miles, Bristol ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— On Stage index 330 Get DEPECHE MODE & other tickets Ticketmaster 0870 4000771 or p646 Local Local On Stage Holidays
P316 Teletext 316 Jul18 23:27:27    LETTERS ———  ———————————————————  DON'T LOOK AT THIS REMAKE Dear Big Screen First The Wicker Man, now Hollywood is going to inflict another totally unnecessary remake on us all, this time Don't Look Now. As for the promise that the new version will retain the Venice setting of the original ... would that be Venice, Italy or Venice, California? Barry McCann, Blackpool ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Entertainment 300 VENUS IN YOUR ZODIAC? LOVESTARS p348 Local Local On Stage Holidays
P316 Teletext 316 Jul18 23:37:58 Advert      DRIVE A BARGAIN! 700  From MPVs to sports  cars, our new section  can help you find the  best deal around.   USED CARS REVIEW 703    We take a look at  some older models to  steer you in the  right direction.      Local Local On Stage Holidays