P691 Teletext 691 Jul18 23:13:42       ————————————————————————————  ——— MAKING MEDICINE YOUR LIFE  Dear Mike, I am currently studying for 'H' grades - including biology and chemistry - and I am hoping to gain a career eventually as a pharmacist or as a pharmacy technician. What is the difference between the two careers, and what are the qublifications required for each route? Alex, Perthshire ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Write to Mike for careers info >>> A-Z OF TELETEXT p103 ITV Work CVs Kids Mob Quiz
P691 Teletext 691 Jul18 23:37:14       ————————————————————————————  ——— MAKING MEDICINE YOUR LIFE  Mike replies: Pharmacists are experts in the field of drugs and medicine. They are involved in the preparation and use of drugs including discovering, developing, trailing and monitoring of new medicines. All of the 40,000 pharmacists in the UK are registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. They work in retail outlets, hospitals or as industrial pharmacists. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Write to Mike for careers info >>> A-Z OF (ELETEXT p103 ITV Work CVs Kids Mob Quiz
P691 Teletext 691 Jul18 23:15:49       ————————————————————————————  ——— MAKING MEDICINE YOUR LIFE  Mike replies: Entry to the pharmacy profession is through a four or five-year degree course (16 are offered) requiring chemistry and scientific subjects. Check with your head of sixth form that the subjects you are taking meet the requirements of courses. Once graduated, entrants are required to undertake a further one-year pre- registration training. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Write to Mike for careers info >>> A-Z OF TELETEXT p103 ITV Work CVs Kids Mob Quiz
P691 Teletext 691 Jul18 23:24:10       ————————————————————————————  ——— MAKING MEDICINE YOUR LIFE  Mike replies: For more details about careers in pharmacy see Careers In Pharmacy by the Pharmaceutical Press and write to to The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN (enclosing RAE) or visit the website at rpsgb.org.uk Pharmaceutical technicians assist the professional pharmacist. Some exam passes may be required and further on- the-job training is usual. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Write to Mike for careers info >>> A-Z OF TELETEXT p103 ITV Work CVs Kids Mob Quiz
P691 Teletext 691 Jul18 23:12:11       ————————————————————————————  ——— WRITE TO MIKE DRUMMOND  If you have a career query, Mike Drummond can answer your letters on these pages. Drop him a line at: Mike Drummond Teletext PO Box 32549 London W4 5TX or e-mail careers@teletext.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Write to Mike for careers info TELETEXT A TO Z p103 Work CVs Kids Mob Quiz