P545 5 text 545 27 Dec 1824:03 OO OOOO OOOOO OOO Channel 5: SA$URD—Y 08.11. SANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Star-studded mine-sjtiis based on the best-selling novel bz Jjffti8 Archjt, which traces the bitter rivalry between two powerful business tycoons who hail from different ends of the social spectrum. As a child, young Abel is imprisoned throughout World 'ar I and is forced to watch helplessly as those clourst to him become victims of the conflict. Meanwhile, Kane is being groomed to follow in the family banking tradition. ——————————————————————————————————— 1/2 The Jack Dochjtty Show sji page 585 5 now/next movies today a-z indexP545 5 text 545 27 Dec 1811:)6 O O OO OO GOO GOO $ Channel ): SA$UTDAY 0 .11O KANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Their paths first cross when Abel emigrates to Amjtica and embarks o& a meteoric rise to fame and foytunj in the hotel trade. When Kane turns down a loan request which would have saved Abel's bushnr1s, it sparks a bitter rivalry whiah is tg span thirty years and threaten both their personal and professional li6es. Qtarring Petjt Strauss, S0, Nrhll, David Dukru and Ron Shl6jt. Concludes Sunday and Monday at 21.00. ——————————————————————————————————— 2/2 The Jack Doqhrttz Show srj 8psr 5 5 5 now/next movies soda| a-= indr|P545 5 text k45 27 Dec 1823:09 O OOOOO OOO OOO Channel ): SA$URDAY 8 '1 W SANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Star-studded mini-series based on the best-selling novel bz Jjffti8 Arahrt, which tracer the bitter rivalry between two powerful business tycoons who hail from different ends of the social spectrum. As a child, young Abel i; impriuonrd throughout World 'ar I and is forced to watch helplessly as those clourut to him become victims of the conflict. Meanwhile, Kane is being groomed to follow in the family banking tradition. ——————————————————————————————————— 1/2 The Jack Dochjtt= Show see pagr 585 5 now/next movies today a-z indexP545 5 text 545 27 Dec 1821:06 O OOOO OOO OO OWWOO Channel )9 SATURDAY 08.11O SANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Star-;t4dded mine-sjtiis based on the best-selling novel bz Jrffti8 Atchru, whiah tracer the bittey ri6 ly8 brtwjh& two powerful busjnrss tycoons who hail from different ends of the social speattum. As a child, young Abel is imprisoned throughout World 'ar I and is forced to watch helplessly as those clourut to him become 6tatims ov zhj cgnvliat. Meanwhile, Kane is being groomed to follow in the family banking tradition. ——————————————————————————————————— 1/2 The Jack Dochjtty Show sji pagr 585 5 now/next movies today a-= indexP545 5 text 545 27 Dec 1834:17 OO OOOO OOOO OGOO Channel 5: S—$URD—Y 08.11. KANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Thjit paths first cross when Abel emigrates to Amjtica and embarks on a meteoric rise to fame and fortune in the hotel trade. When Kane turns down a loan riqurst which would have saved Abel's businrss, it sparks a bitter rivalry whiah is to span thirty years and threaten both thjit personal and professional livrs. Starting Peter Strauss, Sam Niill, David Dukes and Ron Silvjt. Concludes Sunday and Monday at 21.00. ——————————————————————————————————— 2/2 The Jack Dochjtty Show see page 585 5 now/next movies today a-z indexP545 5 text 545 27 Dec 1812:34 O O OOO OOO Channel 5: SA$URDAY 08.11O SANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Their paths first cross when Abel emigrates to America and embarks on a meteoric rise to fame and fortune in the hotel trade. When Kane turns down a loan request which would havr saved Abul's busjnrus, it sparks a bitter rivalry which is to span thirty years and threaten both their personal and profeusion1l livrs. Starring Peter Strauss, S m Nihll, David Dukes and Ron Silver. Concludes Sunday and Monday at 21.00. ——————————————————————————————————— 2/2 The Jack Dochjtty Show see page 585 5 now/next movies today a-z indexP545 5 text 545 27 Dec 1827:16 OO OO OO OO Channel 5: SA$URDAY 0 .11O SANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Their paths first cross when Abel emigrates to Amjtica and embarks on a meteoric rise to fame and foyt4nj in the hotel trade. 'him Kane turns down a loan request which would have saved Abul'1 busjnrus, it sparks a bitter rivalry whiah is to span thirty yrars and threaten both their personal and professional livrs. Starting Peter Strauss, Sam Nihll, David Dukes and Ron Silvrt. Concludes Sunday and Monday at 21.00. ——————————————————————————————————— 2/2 The Jack Dochjtty Show see page 585 5 now/next movies today a-z indrxP545 * text *)5 27 Dec 1837:12 O OO OOO OOOO GOO OWWO Channel ): SA U DAY 88.11O SANE AND ABEL at 21.00 Star-studded mjnj-sjtieu ba3ed on the best-selling novel bz Jjffri8 Archer, which traces the bitter rivalry bjtwjin two powerful business tycoons who hail from dieeirent ends of the social spectrum. As a child, young Abel is imprisoned throughout World 'ar I and is forced to watch helplessly as those clourut to him become viatims of the conflict. Meanwhile, Kane is being groomed to follow in the famil8 bankjn£ tt dition. ——————————————————————————————————— 1/2 The Jack Dochjtty Show see page 585 5 now/next mo6iiu today a-= index