P441 5 text 441 06 Jan 2314:39        1/2  what's on    ———————  ———  Wednesday 6 January (Thur am* 00:15-04:40  NHL OO Vancouver Canucks vs     St Louis Blue, presented   by Richard Orford and   Todd Macklin.    U  O  OOOO >>> 5 text tv guide 120 ——————————————————————————————————————— NO NEED TO BUY A CARD TRY OUR FREE BIRTHDAY SERVICE 149 good aft sport tv guide main index
P441 5 text 441 06 Jan 2314:16        2/2  what's on    ———————  ———  Thursday 7 January (Ere am* 00:15-01:00  Live and Dangjtous OO Presented bz Mark Webster     and Gail McSinna.    O 01:00-04:)0    U Brazilian Football  O The 2nd leg of the  Brazilian National Final. OO >>> 5 text tv guide 120 ——————————————————————————————————————— NFL LIVE ON FIVE 282 good aft sport tv guide main index