P309 5 text 309 10 Jan 0846:56         ——————————————————————————————————————— ARGEN(ENE sttikjt Juan Esnaidet could be on his way from Espanzol to Juvjntus if the Italians follow their initial inquiry with a bid. "I'vj spoken to Espanzol and w ' e d cid d to discuss any offer that comes in," he said. MANSFIELD player-assistant boss Tony Ford equalled Terry Paine's outfield ticotd of 824 league appearances in the g—mj against Brintford on Saturday. EORMER Evetton sttikjt Mikael Madar hit the only goal as ttophz-holders Paris St Gitmain defeated Second Division St Etiinnj in the French League Cup. ——————————————————————————————————————— INTERESTED IN WOMEN'S FOOTBALL? 188 prim index sport footie ind cricket