P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0846:33          our fan page!  I ——————————————————'/.I/ *% /.I/** ,^! 'elcomj to 5 text's Family Affairs page 'e want Y UR FA views, news, poems and gossip — make them interesting and entertaining and weWll broadcast them hiti! Send them to: Family Affairs on 5 Text, 95 'elton Road, London S'1 1VW or fax them on 0171 599 8971 ot j-mail us: litters.5text@bskzb.com and we'll broadcast them on this page! UPDATED EVERY FRIDAY donWt forget your npmj & address ————————————————————————————————— 1/14 FAN(AS(IC PEAK SEASON OFFERS! CHOOSE TRAVEL CITY PRESS 279 NOW parking bold/brats sons/daugh main inde
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0846:4*        our fan pagr! R  @—s—alt——t———p——h—— I Emma Gascoignj from Banbury writes: I noticed something very spooky on Monday. Liz Lake, the producer of FA, Road. Has she got any more soaps she's Selling people ojf in? As it's the Nrw Yjaz, it'u a good time to see if hoxoucopru work. Will, lit mr have a go: amie Hart, you will go tPtough@a lot @of changes and will Pave somebody @question your family background. >> leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 2O14 FLO IDA USA HOLED—YS 237 pat+ing bold beaut sons/daugh main i^de
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0849:57        our fan page!    —————————————————— I Emma Gascoignj cont: Mel Hart, you will have a lovely wedding but dis—stet will strike afterwards. Annie Hart, you will have some skeletons come out of your cupboard from the past that could wreck your family life. Chris Hazt, you wiml be told a shocking secret about the past and it will change your life forever. >> leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 3/14 TROPICAL T EAT 259 parking bold/beaut sons/daugh main inde
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 084/:py        our fan page!   —————————————————— I EZZa Gascoig.e co^t5 @Nick Tripp, a secret you shared will conj out@a^d wreck@a faZily. Sadie Hargreaves, a person you fancy does not fancy you back. Hi fancies your daughter. Dave Matt(ews, you can't keep cheating on the people you love. Try being honest and it will reward you. >> leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 4/14 USA & CANADA FLIGHTS 43 pasTing d#lh/beaut s#ns/haugh m—in@inde
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0847:11        our fan page!   ——————————————————'/.%/ *% /.%/*% ,.! Emma Gascoigne cont: Pete Callan — your wife is only using you. Do something about it before it is too late. Holly Hart, you have got to sort youy life out and stop being so nice. Roy Fat[et, you must buy a razor. leisure 140, entertainment 1*0 ————————————————————————————————— 5/14 AIRTOURS HOLIDAY SHOP.........258 parking bold/beaut sons/daugh main indi
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0848:26        I ——————————————————#/Zj/h@" d lu*S , ! — Heathjt Batsman from  Has anyone evjt noticed what numbjt the Harts live at — it's numbjt 13! No wond t jy have so sch bad luc Since A started they've suffered a Kidnapping, a drugs raid, a fire and even a gu^ sjigj, and they call it sleepy Charnham! They'ue also had two accidents and have had to conj to terms with several heaths...and now they're abort to undjtgo their own! leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 9/14 SPECIAL SKIERS OFFER! 250 NOW parking bold/beaut sons/daugh main inde
P448 * text 448 10 Jan 0848:22        our fan page!  I —————————————————— II Lznnj Matchjtt from Liverpool wtitis: I'vj been making anagrams around Family Affairs, and one of mz favourites is: "Hart amily If In Sea Can Harm FA", which is an anagram of "Family Affair; Set In Charnham!" When I read that Brian Park was killing ofe Elsa mad Jack I was quite pleased, as I wasnWt fond of them. But when it came to Elsa's last episode it was brilliant, and now I miss Elsa! >> leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 10/14 WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD 141 parking bold/beaut sons/daugh main inde
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0848:        our fan page!  J W——st ——a—a———r — '/.)/ *% /. /* ,O Lznnj Matchjtt from Liverpool cont: Best character — Susie Ross pure evil Best Nutter in Charnham — S die Hargreaves Bits Storylinj — Holly and Susie getting back roget(er^ I thinK tPey are the perfect couple Bits actor — Mili1 Pjtit leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 11/14 YOUR QUES IONSTVLETTER 156 pasTing b#ld/beaut sons/daugh main i^de
P448 * text @ 448 10  0848:)6        our fan pagr!  I  ——————————————————'/.%/ *% /. /*% ,.! Lznnj Matchett from Liverpool cont: Best actress — Tina Landini Bits FA week — The one s t in Devon, especially the footie game Best FA line — Maria's closing line of Family@Aeeairs...The Story So ar: "IW[ going to have a baby, whatever it ta+es". How true! B st FA pisode — The Sro y So ar Good lucW to Tina Landini! leisure 140, entertainment 1*0 ————————————————————————————————— 12O14 FILM REVIEW", MUSIC & GOSSIP 150 parking bold/beaut sons/daugh main inde
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0846:04        our fan page!  I —————————————————— I Some gossip... Channel *@show Exclusive will be going behind the scenes of Family Affairs, for a show to bj screened Su/ 17 Jan. Marta fro[ Poland writes via em—il: I'm shocked bz what's happened to Holly — has she gone mad? IFm the biggest FA fan in Poland — are there any website1 devoted to FA?  No official ones, b4t one unofficial one that we know of is: http://website.lineone.net/÷+even. szmonds/fa.Xtm (white ÷ = a tilda) leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 13/14 pat+ing b#ld/beaut sons/daugh main inde
P448 5 text 448 10 Jan 0846:10        our fan page! R I —————————————————— I Danielle from Doncastit writes: I thinK that since Brian Park joined FA it has njvjt been the same. What he has done with the show is fantastic. I mean, I njvet thought Jack would actually kill Elsa or that Annie had it i^ her to have an affair. Is there a fan club for FA?  Not a^ official one, although you can send litters to the cast at DDS Studio, Springfield Road, Hayes, Middx UA4 OLE. Any unofficial clubs out there? leisure 140, entertainment 150 ————————————————————————————————— 14/14 par+ing bold/beaut sons/daugh m—in imde