P532 5 text 534 10 Jan 0848:04   OO OOO OGOO GOO   Channel 5 SUNDAY  FAMILY AFFAIRS OMNIBUS at 14.55 Gary rejects Maria's advances. Annie drops hit bombshell and Jamie sees his sister on a porn web site. something to do with the necklace choking her. Holly breaks down when she rialises that the pictures weti a bad idea and dave apologisjs to Annie. ——————————————————————————————————————— a film each week day at 15.30 next preview movies today tv index
P532 5 text 532 10 Jan 0846:23 O GOO OOOOO GOOO OOOO OGOO   Channel ) SUNDAY  FAMILY AFFAIRS OMNIBUS at 14.55 Chris tells the family that he and Annie are divorcing. Jamie blames his mothjt for his father's erratic behaviour. ——————————————————————————————————————— a film each week day at 15.30 next preview movies today tv index