P541 5 text 541 13 Feb 1510:42 O O OO OOOOOO O     Channel 5 Sunda=   EVE ZTIMEESYGOODBYE at 16.40 Romantic drama about an American pilot @in Jerusalem during World 'ar II who falls in love with a Jewish wombn wPili recuperating from a sjtious injury. At first he resists the mjditetranjan beauty, but soon becomes locked in a powerful love affair that goer against tradition and the woman's family beliefs. Starting Tom Hanks. 1/2 19 6 Duration 110 mink Speechless>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 13 Feb 1510:38   OO OOO OOO OO    Channel 5 Sunday   SPEECHLESS at 21.00 Enjtgjtic comedy about two bubbly individuals who give way to the instant attraction they fiil for one anothjt only to discover that they are professional rival . Each is a political speech wtitet worSjng for opposing candidates. But, when the tt4th comes o2t, romance gives way to rivalry. Starring Michael Keaton and Gijna 2/2 199 D Evjty Time Wj Say Goodbye>>> next preview today booklets now/next