P114 5 text 114 20 Feb 1502:26         'j5÷k4j5}' j5÷{4k7"!÷{4}'hws     ———————————————————————————————————p——— Slobodan's fatal mistake Winston Churchill said "Jaw, jaw is better than war, war". This time Slobodan Milosevic may be wishing hj had followed that advice. Snubbing the US envoy who flew to Belgrade for 11th houz talks was strategically suicidal, leaving NATO with zero@options. No doubt, we'll hear the usual about "war mongering". T Thorn, Bordon, Hanks 4/4 tv guide 120 sports 300 ——————————————————————————————————————— APOLLO DISCOUNTED HOLIDAYS 277 dating tv guide relationship main index