P125 5 text 125 20 Feb 1511:00       '—p—pp VOYAGER'S ' *-| FU(U$E REVEALED  SEE PAGE 1:2 Saturday ————————————————————— 1/5 1310 Bang Liberty Fiona fumes over Chinna's kidnap attempt 1335 RAD Exttimj sports 1350 5 News S N 1400 Sportswiik on 5 N Ice hockey, Argentinean football and the 'inter X Games 1530 Sunset Beach S N 445 Omnibus S = Subtitles N = Nicam Stitio live and dangerous times 441 ——————————————————————————————————————— STOP SEARCHING! BOOS WITH HAYS 289 now/next 5 extra 5 tomorrow sci-ei
P125 5 text 125 20 Feb 1514:12        HOT ROMANCE FOR ' *-| XJEILESW MULDER  SEE PAGE 193 Saturday ————————————————————— 3/5 2100 Film: Conundrum; 5 News Update (TVM 1y96) S N 134 Action thriller, with Michael Biehn 22u8FFil[z Goj's Gk^ X1:7n) 'jstetn, starring Jack Palanci Sunday 00)0 Film: A Deadly Business (TVM 1985) True-life drama, with Alan Arse^ p230 FilE: Red Light X1949) Tense drama, with George Raft S = Subtitles N = Nicam Stereo 5 tomorrow 139 ———————————————p——————————————————————— GAY HOLIDAYS PRESS 270 now/next 5 jxtta 5 tomorrow sci-fi
P125 5 text 125 20 Feb 1514:23        WHAT'S ON 5 ' *-| TOMORROW?  SEE PAGE 139 Sunday ————————————————————— 4/5 0350 Riptide Boy s—zs farewell 0440 Prisonjt: Cell Block H 447 A new inmate arrives 0530 Wowfabgroovy; 5 News Update N Quiz S = Subtitles N = Nicam Stereo films on 5 today 131 ——————————————————————————————————————— Fast Low Cost Loans see page 284 now/next 5 extra 5 tomorrow sci-fi
P125 5 text 125 20 Feb 1518:38 A D V E R T I S E M E N T    THE              DO THE CARDS SHOW   O . LOVE FOR YOU?   .  +NLOCS Y UR    FUTURE Y ?   NOW!!   . '! !  .     IN-DEPTH   .  .  . READINGS           FOR MO ETAROTSERVICESSEEPAGE . . Calls cost £1/min at all times. . ECL,Box 2745,E1. ^ This service may involve a long call now/next 5 extra 5 tomorrow sci-fi