P306 5 text 306 20 Feb 1934:32            ——————————————————————————————————————— SEEGAN ADMITS: 'I COULD ST—Y' Kevin Keegan has told Radio 5 Live listeners that hj could carry on as England boss beyond the four games for which hj has been put in charge. "If it works part-time maybe we could sit down and look at it again," Keigan said in an interview. "I think we've got to stick with the four games at the moment and see how it pans out. "Thjti are only two qualifying games lift, but at this moment in time the FA, from yesterday, is looking for a successor and I think that's right. ——————————————————————————————————————— PREMIERSHIP/DIV.1 TABLES 352/353 football sport prim index footie ind