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P131 5 text 131 02 May 2036:12        EXTRA PROG ' *-| films today DETAILS FOR 5  SEE P—GE 440 Monday ————————————————————— 2O3 1525 Cahill, United States Marshall (1973) S John Waznj stars as a lawman who devotes more time to his job than to his sons, prompting them to rebel and help a gang of outlaws rob the local bank - with tragic consequences. Western, with George Kennedy, Nivilli Brand and Gary Grimes S = Subtitles N = Nicam Stitio channel 5 programmj back-up 440 ——————————————————————————————————————— NEW IN DEPTH TAROT READINGS P.186 highlights holidays films main index
P131 5 text 131 02 May 2031:17 A D V E R T I S E M E N T      H O T L I N E   The Millennium Hotlinj $ 4÷!  sjtvici provides the $ %%  latest information on a $  range of topics to help $  callers plan for every $  aspect of the year 2000 $   o O O including $   ' o  oo ACTION 2000 $     and New $     Year's Eve $     Events... $ O        '   '+ II  Calls cost 60pOmin at all times NEWSTEL,36 Washington StLGLASGOW G3 8AZ highlights holidays films main index
P131 5 text 131 02 May 2034:16        AMAZING FENG ' *-| films today SHUI STARS  SEE P—GE 143 Monday ————————————————————— 1O3 1350 Horizon's West (1952) A ctookjd ranchjt spends years amassing a fortune through assorted dodgy dealings and ruthless acquisitions, only to be brought to trial bz his strait-laced brothjt. 'estitn, starring Rock Hudson, Robert Ryan, Julia Adams and Raymond Burt S = Subtitles N = Nicam Stitio 5 films at nine this week 134 ——————————————————————————————————————— WEN PLAYSTATION + GAMES 481 highlights holidays films main index
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