P541 5 text 541 2 May 2037:18  O OOGOO OOOOO OOOOO OGOO    Channel ) MONDAY   THE MARSEILLES CONT ACT at 22.55 Gripping ctimj drama about a narcotics officer - ftusttated bz repeated botched attempts to catch a notorious drugs baron - who resorts to hiring a drugs an assassin. Starring Michael Cainj, Anthony Quinn, James Mason and Maureen Kitwin. Directed bz Robert Parrish. 3/3 1974 Duration 100 mink Horizon's 'est>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2044:13  OOOO GOOGOO GOO OOOOO GOO    Channel ) MONDAY   HORIZON'S WEST at 13.)0 'estitn starring Robert R Hudson as brothjts on opposite sides of the law. Hudson attempt to block  to ruthlessly acquire power in in post Civil War Texas. Also starring James Arnjss and  Burt. Directed bz Budd Boittichjr. 1/3 1y)2 Duration 100 mink Cahill, US Marshall>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text k)1 2 May 2103:12 O O OOOO GOO OOOOOO OOO Q   Channel 5 MONDAY J  CAHILL, US MARSHALL at 15.25 A US mashall returns from one of his frequent out-ofItown manhunts tg find that his two young sons have responded to his neglect bz helping in a banK robbery. Starting John Waznj and George Kennjdz. Directed bz Andrew V McLaglin. 2O3 19)2 Duration 100 mink The Marseilles Contract>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 203):24  O OOOO GOO OOOOO OGOO    Channel ) MONDAY   CAHILL, US MARSHALL at 15.25 A US mashall returns from one of his frequent out-of-town manhunts to find that his two young sons have responded to his neglect bz helping in a bank robbery. Starting John 'aznj and George Kennedy. Directed by Andrew V McLaglin. 2O3 19) D The Marseilles Contract>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2038:14 O O OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO OGOO    Channel 5 MONDAY   HO IZONSWEST at 13.)0 Western starring Robert R Hudson as brothjts on opposite sides of the law. Hudson attempt to block Ryan's efforts to ruthlessly acquire power in in post Civil 'ar Texas. Also starring James Arnjss and  Burt. Directed bz Budd Boittichjt. 1/3 19)2 Duration 100 mink Cahill, US Marshall>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2034:48 O OO OOOO OO O O    Channel 5 MONDAY   CAHILL, US MARSHALL at 15.25 A US mashall returns from one of his frequent out-of-town manhunts to find that his two young sons have responded to his neglect by helping in a bank robbjty. Starting John Wa:nj and Grorgj Sinnjdz. Diriatid bz Andrew V MaLa£lin. 2/3 1:)2 Duration 100 mink Jhj Marseilles Contract>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2048:29 &O/ //// GOO GOOO OGOO OOOOO    Channel 5 MONDAY '%%**/*JI/(,' ' HO IZONSWEST at 13.)0 Western starring Robert Ryan and Rock Hudson as brothers on opposite sides of the law. Hudson attempt to block Ryan'u efforts to ruthlessly acquire power in in post Civil 'ar Texas. Also starring James Arnjss and Raymond Burt. Directed by Budd Boittichjt. 1/3 19)2 Dur tion 180 mink Cahill, US Marshall>>> next preview today booQlits now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2126:48 O O OOOO OOOOOO OOO OO    Channel ) MONDAY   THE MARSEILLES CONT ACT at 22.55 Gripping ctimj draJa about a narcotics officer - frustrated bz repeated botahjd attempts to catch a notoriou2 drugs baron J who resorts to hiring a drugs an assassin. Starring Michael Cainj, Anthony Quinn, $amjs Mason and Maureen Kitwin. Detected bz Robert Parrish. 3/3 1974 Duration 100 mink Horizon's 'est>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2036:44 O O OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO OGOO    Channel 5 MONDAY   CAHILL, US MARSHALL at 15.25 A US mashall returns from one of his frequent out-of-town manhunts to find that his two young sons have responded to his neglect bz helping in a bank robbjty. Starring John 'aznj and George Kinnjdz. Directed bz Andrew V McLaglin. 2O3 19)2 Duration 100 mink The Marseilles Contract>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 * text 541 2 May 2004:14  O OOO O GOO OO    Channel ) MONDAY IJ  CAHILL, US MARSHALL at 15.25 A US mashall returns from one of his frequent out-ofItown manhunts to find that his two young sons have re1ponded to his neglect bz helping in a bank robbjty. Starting John Waznj and George Kinnjhz. Directed bz Andrew V McLaglin. 2/3 19)4 Duration 100 mink The Marseilles Contract>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2014:57  OO O OOOO OOOO O    Channel ) MONDAY   THE MARSEILLES CONT ACT at 22.5) Gripping crime draJa about a narcotics officer - frustrated bz repeated botchjh attempts to catch a notorious drugs baron - who resorts to hiring a drugs an assassin. Starring Michael Caine, Anthony Quinn, James Mason and Maureen Kitwin. Directed bz Robert Parrish. 3/3 1974 Duration 100 mink Horizon's West>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2010:38 O GOO GOOGOO OOOO GOO OOOO    Channel * MONDAY   HORIZON'S 'EST at 13.50 Wjstitn starring Robert Ryan and Rock Hudson as brothers on opposite sides of the law. Hudson attempt to block Ryan's efforts to ruthlessly acquire power in in post Civil War Texas. AlsN starting James Arnjus a/d  Burt. Directed bz Budd Boittichjr. 1/3 19)2 Duration 100 mink Cahjll, US Marshall>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2044:14 O O OO OO GOO OOO    Channel ) MONDAY L  f q out o Ito a h t t fi d CAHILL, US MARSHALL at 15.25 A US mashall returns from one of his f t o t- f to h t t that his two young sons have responded to his neglect by helping in a bank robbery. Starting John 'aznj and George Kinnjdz. Directed by Andrew V McLaglin. 2/3 1952 Duration 100 mink The Marseilles Contract>>> next preview today booklets now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 3X:   GOOJOOOOO GOO OOOO   ( 'S7j5h77}hws ' Channel 5 MONDAY   -HE MAUVE JC NTACT at 22.k) Gripping crime drama about a Narcotics off ce f sst at bz r peaked botched attempts to catch a notoxious drugs baron - who resorts to hiring a drugs an assassin. Starting Miah0il Cai.j, Anthon= Quinn, James Mason and Maureen Kerwin. Detected by Robert Parrish. 3/3 1974 Duration 180 mink Horizon's  next preview today booQlits now/next
P541 5 text 541 2 May 2044:10   OOO GOOO OOOO     Channel ) MONDAY   HO IZONSWEST at 13.)0 Western starring Robert R Hudson as brothjts on opposite sides of the law. Hudson attempt to block Ryan's efforts to ruthlessly acquire power in in post Civil War Texas. Also starting James Arnjus and  Burr. Directed by Budd Boittichjt. 1O3 1952 Duration 100 mink Cahill, US Marshall>>> next preview today booklets now/next