P152 ORACLE 152 Sun26 Dec ITV 1158:59   WAKEWOOD U.V.A. SUoBEDS MAKE THIS YOUR LAST WHITE XMAS ] Stretch out on your own sunbed to "uild up a beautiful tan,day bz day. You won't turn red,"urn or peel if you keep to the suggested 30 mink a day. You'll BROWN GENTLY ALL OVER in about 10 d!ys.And stay brown all over,even on the little "its you normally have to keep covered up. The superb 6ft curved pine unit with nine 6ft Philips fan-cooled TVA tu"js costs only £299 (inc.VAT) So why not take the plunge & become a sun worshipper in the privacy of your own home? XMASDELIVERYTEL 01 771 1884  with your ACCESS/BARCLAYCARD NUMBER