P206 ORACLE 206 Thu 6 Jan ITN 2154:58   MOSCOW DENIES  SATELLITE D@VGER The Sg6iet Union 3ays the nuclear- powered satellite reportedly o4t gf control poser no danger to Earth. A spokj3man fgu the Sg6iet space programme said Cosmos 1402 was gn 1 pre -planned opjratign. He said: "We have no fears abo4t the fate of this Sputnik." +euteun experts belie6e the Co9mo; failed tg react tg rocket boo1t1 thu& it got into tro5ble. The Pdntaggn 3aid it expratdd the satellhte to crash into Earth towards the end of the month b4t there was a 70% chance it would land in the sea.