P163 ORACLE 163 Mon25 Jun ITV 2244:46  1/2  FANS STAGE Ticket row PROTEST  The world's greatest championships got off to a stormy start with a sit-down protest outside gate number two bz fans in a row over seat allocation. The fans, who had been qujujing since Friday for prized centre court places, waved placards and shouted at officials As part of new safety regulations, centre court tickets are now on sale at all 10 turnstiles instead of just one. First in the qujuj Malcolm Halstead,35, of Blackburn, said fans could no longer bj sure of getting tickets they wanted. "Wj feel very let down," hj said. >>>>> PLAY LADBROKES TENNIS GAME ON 0898 555 536 CALLS:25p/M CHEAP,38p/M OTHER Next Report Matches Cricket TV Guide
P163 ORACLE 163 Mon25 Jun ITV 2244:10  2/2  £1,500 FOR Touts out TWO TICKETS  Ticket touts were out in force on the opening day, offering seats at prices soaring to £1,500 a pair. The touting business appeared to bj hit last year when Wimbledon introduced its own "white market" system to cut out the black market business. Under the system, Wimbledon has bought back unwanted debenture tickets and re-sold them, with profits to the LTA. But as the championship opened, crowds of touts were seen hanging around car parks surrounding the courts. Business sjemjd to bj booming with wads of £50 notes swiftly changing hands. >>>>> Sport headlines 130 Tennis 160 Next Report Matches Cricket TV Guide