P198 ORACLE 198 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2118:04  1/6        ORACLE is the teletext    service you receive when    you press the 'TEXT'    button on ITV and    Channel 4.        ORACLE is like a    njwspapjr - we offer    everything from news to    chess, from kids jokes    to horoscopes. Unlike a    njwspapjr, ORACLE is    njvjr out of date...             3     more follows > Press Red for an explanation of Fastext
P198 ORACLE 198 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2148:12 2/6 FAST, FIRST, FREE! Unlike a njwspapjr ORACLE pages can bj  updated bz our 1 2   journalists every few   seconds - a njwspapjr 4 5  with thousands of  editions every day! 7 8 9 ORACLE is created by a 0 team of over 100  journalists, engineers   and keyboard operators.    ORACLE pays its way with  the money it makes from  advertising - there is     no charge to readers.   more follows > Press Red for an explanation of Fastext
P198 ORACLE 198 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2157:26  3/6    ORACLE consists of hundreds of   'pages' offering you hundreds of   subjects.       To find what you want use either   the front page on 100 or the   complete index on page 199 (ITV)   or 699 (C4).     DID YOU KNOW?        ORACLE offers you a    minute bz minute   WORLD CLOCK...on   page 329 (ITV)     1 2 3'o?'     3   4 5 6   Main Index 400 Competitions 691 Press Red for an explanation of Fastext
P198 ORACLE 198 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2127:54  4/6  ^   Many ORACLE pages are 'multipages'.   This means that, once you have   dialled into the page you will   automatically receive a sequence of   related pages, for example   Newsround on page 119.     At the top right of all multipages   there is an indicator showing you   how many pages are in the sequence   and which page in that sequence you   are reading. On this       page the indicator is   above the flashing   arrow.     Use the 'HOLD' key   1 2 3'o?' to 'stop' a multipagj     3   4 5 6W>ak    more follows > Press Red for an explanation of Fastext
P198 ORACLE 198 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2111:22  5/6    My set is broken!   Occasionally you may find that   some or all of the lines on a page   are jumbled like this:     Occasionally \|| $ fi{d that@so^&     This is not caused bz ORACLE's   atrocious spelling or typing - it   is most commonly caused by slight   mes-tuning of the set.     If adjusting the tuning doesn't   help the fault could bj caused bz   a mes-directed aerial or your   local transmitter temporarily   operating on reduced power.      3   more follows > Press Red for an explanation of Fastext
P198 ORACLE 198 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2152:47 6/6 HOW TO USE ORACLE: Pressing the TEXT button on ITV or Channel 4 takes you into ORACLE. All pages have a three figure number. Pages 100 to 399 are on ITV, while pages 400 to 699 are on C4.             ITV  C4      100 to  400 to   399  699        3   4    more follows > Press Red for an explanation of Fastext