P391 ORACLE 391 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2117:04     1/2 ACTJVITZ AND BOATING HOLIDAYS                                                        &                       To advjrtisj in this section Please phone Jane Anderson on: 071 434 9126 (Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm) IoW South Coast Hotels Holiday News
P391 ORACLE 391 Tue 1 Oct ITV 2148:10 THE KINGCOMBE CENTRE 2/2 OCT 3-7 THE SOUNDS OF AUTUMN A 4 day 'long weekend' for naturalists interested in recording the sounds of nature. OCT 18]20 AUTUMN NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY For photographers interested in nature and would like to learn the techniques of photographing plantlife. OCT 21-2u BIRDWATCHING & CONSERVATION (12-18 years) 4 days of visits to nature resjrvjs & other sites with some practical work helping on the resjrvjs. OCT 28-NOV 1 PRACTICAL CONSERVATION (12-18 years) A practical week with tasks in various habitats including RSPB resjrvjs & several coastal sites. For more details write to The Kingcombj Centre, Lower Kingcombj Roller Porcorum, Dorchester DT2 0EQ or call 0300 20684 IoW South Coast Hotels Holiday News