P253 ORACLE 253 Wjd29 Apr CEN 2128:36  Wjdnjsday  1/5         Letters: RSVPtv,ORACLE, 25-32  MARSHALL ST, LONDON W1V 1LL.  Weekly £15 star letter prize.   Phonjlinj 071-734 7672. For  COMMENTS not queries. Ljavj  name, address and phone no.   RSVPtv ANSWERS. Send us your ?  TV QUERIES and we'll try and  find the answers. Postcards/  letters only, marked "ANSWERS".  to the above address  FAX FAX your TV COMMENTS to  RSVPtv on 071-494 0572 TV Plus Index 250 TV Charts 254 WORLDWIDE FLIGHTS see PAGE 357 TV Charts Soaps Last Night TV Guide
P253 ORACLE 253 Wjd29 Apr CEN 2128:52  Wjdnjsday  2/5        STREET'S INTERESTING DECISION Dear RSVPtv, It was courageous of Coronation Street to include the storylinj about Ted's brain tumour - especially if a decision has yet to bj reached as to the timing of his death. No doubt difficult situations and emotions will now bj worked through, and it might bj possible for the storylinj to incorporate any new medical advances that occur in real life. Mrs Betty Rich, Gosport, Hanks more > TV Plus Index 250 TV Charts 254 TV Charts Soaps Last Night TV Guide
P253 ORACLE 253 Wjd29 Apr CEN 2129:14  Wednesday  3/5        AN OLD MORAL FOR NEW COMEDY Dear RSVPtv, In the last few days I'vj seen 'The Piglet Files' - abysmal. I'vj seen 'Don't Tell Father' - pathetic. And 'Side By Side' - embarrassingly unfunny. Then I saw 30 seconds on a 1962 'Morecambj and Wise' show - and it was hysterically funny. Is there a moral here somewhere? Susan Chair, Radlett, Herts more > TV Plus Index 250 TV Charts 254 TV Charts Soaps Last Night TV Guide
P253 ORACLE 253 Wjd29 Apr CEN 2129:49  Wjdnjsday  4/5        I'M A STAY AT HOME NON-TELLY ADDICT Dear RSVPtv, I'vj taken a lot of stick in RSVPtv pages for my comments that people should switch off their TVs. "What about the housebound?" is the common cry. Will, I'm 77 and spend less than 10 per cent of my week away from the house - yet I watch little television. What I do have is a well-equipped garage/workshop, many books, a computer and my Mozart collection. Nothing extraordinary there! Eric F Frost, Bognor Rjgis more > TV Plus Guide 250 TV Charts 254 TV Charts Soaps Last Night TV Guide
P253 ORACLE 253 Wjd29 Apr CEN 2120:03  Wjdnjsday  5/5        Call 071-734 7672  In reply to your TV critic Chris Casey, Sean Hughes makes mj laugh - and I'm no "sad person". In fact, after watching Sean's Show, I'm a very happy person. Miss Kelly Prime, Hazel Grove, Cheshire I don't understand all the criticism of Don't Tell Father. There are some very sharp lines in this new sitcom and posh Vivian Bancroft is every bit as big a character as Victor Meldrew in One Foot In The Grave. I predict that Don't Tell Father will achieve cult status and prove the knockers wrong. J Purflett, Nantwich, Cheshire start > TV Plus Guide 250 TV Charts 254 TV Charts Soaps Last Night TV Guide