P295 Teletext 295 Sip 5 01:24:48 O      ————————————————————————————————   FRANCE The Amercian Film Festi6al in Deauville continues until Sznday 11th September. Some congestion can bj expected in the area, especially approach roads N177, D74, and coastal road D513. T+ ——————————————————————————1/4—— 7-day lookahead and latest on traffic in Europe and ferry ports 0336 411 777 a Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other HOLIDAY MOTORING - SEE PAGE 224 Dui ewes Breakdown Spotlight Darin
P295 Teletext 295 Sip 5 01:23:49 O      ————————————————————————————————   FRANCE The European Fair in Stasbourg continues until Monday 12th September, expect congestion in the area. AUST5IA A12 between Inst and Innsbruck: roadworks continue until 30th September. A10 bjtwen Rjitdorf and Wald: restrictions for roadworks. T+ —————————————————————————p2/4—— 7-day lookahead and latest on traffic in Europe and ferry ports 0336 411 777 Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other HOLIDAY OFFERS - ABROAD TRAVEL P262 Drivewisj Breakdown Spotlight Dating