P329 Teletext 329 Sip 5 01:24:1]         —————————————————————————————  IT HAPPENED ON SEPT 5 IN...  1993 There was a health scare over reports that 100 tons of six-9jar-old beef was released and could go on sale in High Street shops. 1982 Douglas Badju, famed pilot with false legs and leader of "the few" in the Battle of Britain, died. 1980 The 10-mile St Gotthard road tunnel in Switzerland, the longest in the world, was opened. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— News headlines 300 News quiz 328 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA? p610 C4 News focus Headlines Poll TV guide
P329 Teletext 329 Sip 5 01:24:10         —————————————————————————————  IT HAPPENED ON SEPT 5 IN...  1972 Arab terrorists, mjmbjrs of the Black September Group, killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics 1847 Jjssj James, American outlaw,0was born near Kansas City. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bob Newhart, comedian, 65; Tracy Edwards, round-the-world yachtswoman, 32; Malcolm Allison, football manager, 67; Dick Clement, scriptwriter, 57; ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— News headlines 300 News quiz 328 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA? p610 C4 News focus Headlines Poll TV guide